[Downloads] Infinix X557-Lite Hot 4 Lite Stock ROM | Firmware and Component Files
[Downloads] Infinix X557-Lite Hot 4 Lite Stock ROM | Firmware and Component Files
(15-10-2017, 12:38 AM)Sunusi Hi, i want to flash Stock ROM to my infinix hot 4 lite, but I forgot it's model number, you list about 4 different model number of Hot 4 lite, I don't known which to download, can I download any??
(31-10-2017, 06:44 PM)Sunusi Thanks, but i have some problem
First I try to flash it on my PC, but sp flash tool pop up a message "error time out hint" I try several times then I tired of retrying I go to a phone repair shop, he flash wrong stock ROM, now my phone is dead, before that when I switch it on there's infinix logo, now it's only black screen, please help me, sorry my English is bad.
(04-12-2017, 10:35 PM)mixy12 hello admin,
my infinix hot 4 lite suddenly went dead, i did not upgrade it or anything, it started by hanging then it went dead. i have tried to recover it by disconnecting the battery and connect charger and connect the battery back but it did not work, its not responding to pc or sp tool. i have been charging it for over 3 days now. please what can i do to revive it. thanks
(21-01-2018, 01:23 PM)mohamed054 my infinix hot 4 lite was dead after wrong flash and it now never fix..i tried to flash it but it shows a wrong message (brom error d =ram fail 4032) ..what can i do