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Hovatek Forum HARDWARE Boxes and Dongles [Tutorial] How to use Miracle Box to flash Mediatek firmware (scatter)

[Tutorial] How to use Miracle Box to flash Mediatek firmware (scatter)

[Tutorial] How to use Miracle Box to flash Mediatek firmware (scatter)

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20-07-2016, 10:47 AM

We'd already dropped a guide on how to backup a Mediatek (MTK) Android's firmware in .bin and scatter format using Miracle Box and how to flash back the firmware in .bin format using the same Miracle Box . This guide will explain how to flash the Miracle Box backup / ROM Dump (scatter format) to an MTK Android phone using Miracle Box.


How to flash a scatter ROM / Firmware to an MTK phone using Miracle Box

Follow the steps below to flash a Mediatek Android device using Miracle Box

See the Video below or @ https://youtu.be/aAy7axgiURM

  1. Extract the Miracle Box zip into a folder and launch Miracle loader exe

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-backup-or-dump-a-Mediatek...-Box-0.jpg]

  2. Wait till Miracle Box opens to the Dashboard

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-flash-a-mediatek-Android-...-Box-1.jpg]

  3. Click the MTK Tab

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-flash-a-mediatek-Android-...-Box-2.jpg]

  4. Tick Write

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-flash-a-mediatek-Android-...-Box-3.jpg]

  5. Select the phone's chipset from the dropdown menu

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-flash-a-mediatek-Android-...-Box-4.jpg]

  6. Click the folder icon

    [Image: Hovatek-How-to-flash-a-mediatek-Android-...-Box-5.jpg]

  7. In the window that pops up, select the scatter file and click Open. The file you wish to flash should be in the same folder as the scatter file and in .bin format for best compatibility

    [Image: how-to-flash-a-firmware-in-scatter-forma...-box-1.jpg]

  8. Click the Start Button

    [Image: how-to-flash-a-firmware-in-scatter-forma...-box-2.jpg]

  9. You should now see >>Waiting for USB Port... at the left tab. Switch off the phone (with a charged battery inside) then connect it to the PC via USB cord

    [Image: how-to-flash-a-firmware-in-scatter-forma...-box-3.jpg]

  10. Miracle Box should now detect the phone and commence flashing

    [Image: how-to-flash-a-firmware-in-scatter-forma...-box-5.jpg]

  11. Select the Block you wish to flash to then click OK

    [Image: how-to-flash-a-firmware-in-scatter-forma...-box-6.jpg]

  12. Flashing should resume. Wait till you see Write Done Total time:  100% Then disconnect the phone and boot

    [Image: how-to-flash-a-firmware-in-scatter-forma...-box-7.jpg]

Important Notice
  • Miracle Box requires a hardware box / dongle to work. Merely installing the setup and trying to run the tool (without having connected the hardware to the PC) won't work unless you are using a loader version
  • For Secure Boot devices, ensure to load the DA file
  • Miracle Box firmware aren't SP Flash tool flashable despite both being in scatter format. This means that if your firmware was made using Miracle Box then you best flash using Miracle Box.
  • Its important not to mix up miracle box .bin format firmware with scatter format firmware. The .bin format is just one large .bin file while the scatter format contains a scatter file with several other files in .bin format (e.g boot.bin, recovery.bin etc)
  • Using the loader version might trigger an antivirus warning. While this might be a false positive, you are entirely responsible for allowing the loader to run on your PC
  • Its important you only flash firmware or files for your phone model and build number. Doing otherwise could brick the device
  • Miracle Box often requires including preloader.bin when flashing the firmware or other files. Leaving out preloader would give an error
  • If you can, its recommended you dump / backup your firmware before flashing so you can easily revert should the rom you flash brick your device
  • Avoid formatting as much as you can, especially on newer Android versions and Secure Boot devices.

Video Transcript
Quote:In this video tutorial, I'll be showing you how to flash a Miracle Box dump in scatter format using Miracle Box You're going to need your Mediatek VCOM drivers (which I have here), Miracle Box & Miracle Box dump (firmware) What I mean by Miracle Box dump is a backup made in scatter format using Miracle Box. After making backup, I'm going to show you how to flash the same backup to the phone using Miracle. For this tool, you'll need drivers. If you're using Windows 8 and above, its very important to disable your driver signature verification on your PC. We already have a guide on how to do that on our website, use the search bar at the top.

I've done that on this PC, Make sure you do that before you proceed. Once that is done, you install VCOM drivers To do that, press the Window button and type "Device Manager". You're going to launch device manager Under device manager, you can just highlight any item on the list. I'm highlighting the first item Click on Action - Add legacy hardware - Next - Tick Install hardware that I manually select from a list - Next - Next - Have Disk - Browse - Locate the folder where your Mediatek VCOM drivers are. Open the Drivers folder USB VCOM Driver.

If yours is Windows 7 and above, you open the Win7 folder else select according to yours Mine is a Windows 10, I'll open the Windows 7 folder. Now, I have the option of 32 or 64 bit You need to know your PC's system type. To do that, right-click on My Computer or This PC - Properties Under System Type, I have 64 bit operating system. I select the 64 bit option here and click Open Click OK - Highlight Mediatek Preloader USB VCOM Port - Click on Next - Next - Wait while the driver is installed.

You might have this device cannot start (code 10) error. its nothing to worry about. You're getting it because you've installed an unsigned driver. Click Finish. You might notice the yellow icon here. Nothing to worry about. Doesn't mean drivers will not work. Now that drivers are installed, its time to go ahead with flashing You need to open the Miracle Box folder. Its important you disable your antivirus temporarily (if using Loader) Launch your Miracle box (I'm using the loader version). You might have a grayed out or inactive start button. If you find yourself in that situation, its nothing to worry about. We have a guide on how to fix that. Head over to the Hovatek website, use our search bar. Type "How to fix miracle box inactive start button" in a few seconds, you'll be done with that. I've had mine fixed so I'm going to go ahead with flashing.

Make sure you have the MTK tab ticked then tick Write. If you don't know your chipset, select 4th boot mine is MT6580 so I select 8th boot. Do not tick format all unless you know what you're doing Click on this folder icon. Navigate to the locaiton where your Miracle Box dump is, select Scatter & click Open. Once that is done, click on your Start button then wait till Miracle box shows Waiting for USB Port.. At this point, you're ready to connect the device. You power off your Mediatek phone, battery charged & inside Don't press any button at all. Connect it to the PC via USB cord and wait.

You'll have a popup asking you to select what you want to flash. If you're flashing a full firmware, you'll have a very long list & need to tick the partitions you intend to flash. I intend to flash just preloader & LK. Its very important you tick preloader because on some chips, you'll get an error if you don't tick preloder. Make sure its for your own phone Then click OK and wait for flashing. Alright! Flash is done and I have Write Done. I can disconnect the phone and power it up.

That's basically how to flash a Miracle Box dump in scatter format using Miracle Box.
This post was last modified: 08-10-2019, 09:25 PM by hovatek.

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Respected Member
20-07-2016, 03:39 PM
"7. In the window that pops up, select the scatter file and click Open. The file you wish to flash should be in the same folder as the scatter file and in .bin format for best compatibility"

Please throw more light on that ?, do you mean we're renaming all the files inside  the downloaded extracted firmware's folder?

Because there are some files in the downloaded extracted firmware's folder that are not  .bin
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11-10-2017, 10:01 PM
(20-07-2016, 10:47 AM)hovatek ...

It says error set: patti
This post was last modified: 12-10-2017, 12:19 PM by hovatek.
12-10-2017, 12:22 PM
(11-10-2017, 10:01 PM)Teddzz
(20-07-2016, 10:47 AM)hovatek ...

It says error set: patti

Thats because you didn't include / tick preloader.bin

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04-11-2017, 09:56 AM

(12-10-2017, 12:22 PM)hovatek
(11-10-2017, 10:01 PM)Teddzz
(20-07-2016, 10:47 AM)hovatek ...

It says error set: patti

Thats because you didn't include / tick preloader.bin

pls im lost here. my miracle box only showed recovery.img and did not show preloader.bin. is it that i downloaded the wrong twrp file or i can just rename to .img since that is what it detect when about to flash and not .bin
04-11-2017, 12:08 PM
(04-11-2017, 09:56 AM)promise osaretin
(12-10-2017, 12:22 PM)hovatek
(11-10-2017, 10:01 PM)Teddzz
(20-07-2016, 10:47 AM)hovatek ...

It says error set: patti

Thats because you didn't include / tick preloader.bin

pls im lost here. my miracle box only showed recovery.img and did not show preloader.bin. is it that i downloaded the wrong twrp file or i can just rename to .img since that is what it detect when about to flash and not .bin
i need respomse asap.plz
04-11-2017, 04:57 PM
(04-11-2017, 09:56 AM)promise osaretin pls im lost here. my miracle box only showed recovery.img and did not show preloader.bin. is it that i downloaded the wrong twrp file or i can just rename to .img since that is what it detect when about to flash and not .bin

if you downloaded the TWRP you are trying to flash, then you should check and properly follow the rooting guide where you got the TWRP from.
step one should include "dump your firmware in scatter file format" [that is where you'll get the preloader.bin you'll use to flash the TWRP from]
04-11-2017, 08:02 PM
(04-11-2017, 04:57 PM)X3non
(04-11-2017, 09:56 AM)promise osaretin pls im lost here. my miracle box only showed recovery.img and did not show preloader.bin. is it that i downloaded the wrong twrp file or i can just rename to .img since that is what it detect when about to flash and not .bin

if you downloaded the TWRP you are trying to flash, then you should check and properly follow the rooting guide where you got the TWRP from.
step one should include "dump your firmware in scatter file format" [that is where you'll get the preloader.bin you'll use to flash the TWRP from]

my point is inside the Twrp file i downloaded. it shows recovery.img and the scatter file text. The problem is the Twrp .img extension whereas my firmware scatter format is .bin which is preloader.bin. it could not detect my preloader.bin which i am suppose to tick or include with the recovery.bin. but it only shows me recovery.img and then when done with the flashing ,it shows error. my problem here is the .bin and .img which is confusing. should i just rename my preloader.bin to .img extension manually or what. for it to detect it.
06-11-2017, 09:40 AM
(04-11-2017, 08:02 PM)promise osaretin my point is inside the Twrp file i downloaded. it shows recovery.img and the scatter file text. The problem is the Twrp .img extension whereas my firmware scatter format is .bin which is preloader.bin. it could not detect my preloader.bin which i am suppose to tick or include with the recovery.bin. but it only shows me recovery.img and then when done with the flashing ,it shows error. my problem here is the .bin and .img which is confusing. should i just rename my preloader.bin to .img extension manually or what. for it to detect it.

You're making a mistake of mixing SP flash tool targeted files with Miracle Box files.
If the TWRP zip you downloaded contains a recovery.img and scatter file then its very likely an SP Flash tool format and is to be flashed using SP flash tool (not Miracle Box). To verify, open the scatter file located in the TWRP zip you downloaded using Notepad++ and search for recovery. If file_name says recovery.img then the TWRP + Scatter were intended to be flashed via SP Flash tool.
Now, if you want to flash the TWRP via Miracle Box then
1. You ought to have made a Miracle Box dump of your phone
2. You're to copy out only the TWRP recovery.img (leave out its scatter file) then rename it from recovery.img to recovery.bin (not recovery.bin.img)
3. Using the scatter file from your Miracle Box dump, preloader.bin and the newly renamed TWRP recovery.bin , you can then flash via Miracle Box.

I hope I've cleared your confusion
This post was last modified: 06-11-2017, 09:43 AM by hovatek.

We have a reply schedule for Free Support. Please upgrade to Private Support if you can't wait.
06-11-2017, 11:25 AM
(06-11-2017, 09:40 AM)hovatek
(04-11-2017, 08:02 PM)promise osaretin my point is inside the Twrp file i downloaded. it shows recovery.img and the scatter file text. The problem is the Twrp .img extension whereas my firmware scatter format is .bin which is preloader.bin. it could not detect my preloader.bin which i am suppose to tick or include with the recovery.bin. but it only shows me recovery.img and then when done with the flashing ,it shows error. my problem here is the .bin and .img which is confusing. should i just rename my preloader.bin to .img extension manually or what. for it to detect it.

You're making a mistake of mixing SP flash tool targeted files with Miracle Box files.
If the TWRP zip you downloaded contains a recovery.img and scatter file then its very likely an SP Flash tool format and is to be flashed using SP flash tool (not Miracle Box). To verify, open the scatter file located in the TWRP zip you downloaded using Notepad++ and search for recovery. If file_name says recovery.img then the TWRP + Scatter were intended to be flashed via SP Flash tool.
Now, if you want to flash the TWRP via Miracle Box then
1. You ought to have made a Miracle Box dump of your phone
2. You're to copy out only the TWRP recovery.img (leave out its scatter file) then rename it from recovery.img to recovery.bin (not recovery.bin.img)
3. Using the scatter file from your Miracle Box dump, preloader.bin and the newly renamed TWRP recovery.bin , you can then flash via Miracle Box.

I hope I've cleared your confusion
Tnx alot .it finally worked. the issue now is after the flashing,i tried entering into recovering mode using vol up nd power but it couldn't instead booted normally.i tried vol up,power nd home key.it shows no command after showing infinix logo after boot. plz is there solution to this or is there any other method i can enter recovering mode to install twrp using pc via usb cord manually instead of going thru bootup.Tnx
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