The Hovatek Forum is a free support forum. This means that we have staff dedicated to providing you with free Tech. support. If you require instant replies or Live Remote Assistance then consider our Private Support
Free Support Sessions
We invest a lot of effort in releasing free tutorials, files and firmware. This is to ensure that you can fix your device issues by yourself. We work Mondays - Fridays. On these days, we have one (1) forum reply session every 72 hours. Consider subscribing to our Private Support if you require faster or more urgent assistance.
Free Support Reply Order
We reply on a first post first reply basis; i.e., we would reply to someone who posted 2 minutes ago before someone who posted 1 minute ago.
Posts are arranged in chronological order (the earliest post at the bottom and the latest post at the top) so we start from the bottom of the last page (of unread posts) till we get to the top of the first page. This guarantees a first post-first reply system. Posting multiple threads or bumping up your posts doesn't help...rather, it slows down your response time.
Notification system
You would usually get an email when your post is responded to. To check for your replies on the forum, click the notification bell at the top.
This post was last modified: 28-09-2024, 09:25 AM by hovatek.