[Development] Mediatek (MTK) Auto Philz recovery porter by Team Hovatek
[Development] Mediatek (MTK) Auto Philz recovery porter by Team Hovatek
(31-01-2018, 08:08 PM)ryfoz(31-01-2018, 01:01 PM)paeffiong If you phone is rooted, then flash the recovery via mobileuncle tools.
My pc is windows 8.1 x64
As for flashing via mobile uncle tools, I don't know about it, though my device is rooted and I usually use flashfire to flash zip files but I prefer SP FLASH TOOL method becos it's safe and easy to narrow down any complications in process.
I appreciate the info about your laptop, mine is OS 7 Ultimate 32-bit but it's a mini laptop.
I am thinking of going to OS 8, I am just delayed by backup storage issue. My pc memory isn't much so I don't want to partition it. I have even bought a supposedly 2 terabyte flash drive to solve the problem which turned out to be fake anyway, it's just 15GB when I ran h2test scan on it.
Thanks Sir Paul
(01-02-2018, 11:15 AM)paeffiong Lemme assist you with how to use Mobileuncle tools.
YOUR phone must be rooted please.
(02-02-2018, 04:49 PM)ryfoz Boss PLS I need your help to flash my Stock ROM back, I have accidentally wiped the ROM with SP flash tool when I tried to flash the ROM backup I had but it turns out it is corrupted.
[EMI] Enable DRAM failed
(02-02-2018, 07:24 PM)X3non this has derailed from the purpose of this thread
please stick to the thread @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-21916.html