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Hovatek Forum HARDWARE Boxes and Dongles [Tutorial] How to Flash Mediatek Smartphones using Hydra Tool

[Tutorial] How to Flash Mediatek Smartphones using Hydra Tool

[Tutorial] How to Flash Mediatek Smartphones using Hydra Tool

23-08-2024, 11:18 AM

This guide will demonstrate how to flash Mediatek devices using the Hydra Tool.


See the video tutorial below or @ https://youtu.be/IeRy56JGznQ

Steps to Flash Mediatek Smartphones using Hydra Tool

  1. Launch the Hydra tool software
  2. Click the Home icon located at the top left corner. Then double-click "MTK"

    [Image: How-to-Flash-MediaTek-Smartphones-using-...Tool-1.png]

  3. Go to the "Flash" tab

    [Image: How-to-Flash-MediaTek-Smartphones-using-...Tool-3.png]

  4. Click on the two dotted lines to load the scatter file. Go to the downloaded firmware folder directory and select the scatter file.

    [Image: How-to-Flash-MediaTek-Smartphones-using-...ol-2-1.png]

  5. The list of firmware components to be flashed will be displayed. You may uncheck anything you do not intend to flash.

    [Image: How-to-Flash-MediaTek-Smartphones-using-...Tool-5.png]

  6. Tick "Flash Mode" then click "Execute" to start. You'll receive a prompt to confirm. Click "Yes" to continue.

    [Image: How-to-Flash-MediaTek-Smartphones-using-...Tool-6.png]

  7. Power off your device and connect it to the PC in BROM mode if required. Once your device is detected, flashing will start.

    [Image: How-to-Flash-MediaTek-Smartphones-using-...Tool-8.png]

  8. Do not interrupt he process

    [Image: How-to-Flash-MediaTek-Smartphones-using-...Tool-8.png]

  9. Disconnect and power on your device once the process is complete

Important notice

  • Before flashing, ensure that you are using the correct firmware build for your device.
  • This guide is only for scatter firmware
This post was last modified: 24-08-2024, 07:39 PM by hovatek.

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