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Hovatek Forum HARDWARE Boxes and Dongles [Tutorial] How to setup Hydra Dongle Tool

[Tutorial] How to setup Hydra Dongle Tool

[Tutorial] How to setup Hydra Dongle Tool

14-09-2021, 09:50 AM

This guide will explain how to set up the Hydra Dongle / Hydra Tool.


Steps to setup Hydra dongle tool

Follow the steps below to set up the Hydra dongle / Hydra tool

See the video tutorial below or @ https://youtu.be/GGwdiQOa5lY

  1. After installing the Hydra Tool setup, Hydra Update Manager (HumTool) should auto-launch and start installing updates.
  2. You should see "process completed successfully" once done

    [Image: How-to-setup-Hydra-Dongle-Tool-2.jpg]

  3. You should see a command prompt interface (auto opens and closes)

    [Image: How-to-setup-Hydra-Dongle-Tool-3.jpg]

  4. The Hydra Update Manager Tool dashboard should now open

    [Image: How-to-setup-Hydra-Dongle-Tool-4.jpg]

  5. Click the Registration icon at the bottom left

    [Image: How-to-setup-Hydra-Dongle-Tool-5.jpg]

  6. On the right, under Register and Activate dongle, input your details and click Activate

    [Image: How-to-setup-Hydra-Dongle-Tool-6.jpg]

  7. You should see Successfully Activated and the modules should start getting activated

    [Image: How-to-setup-Hydra-Dongle-Tool-7.jpg]

  8. Modules should start getting updated

    [Image: How-to-setup-Hydra-Dongle-Tool-8.jpg]

  9. You should see "Updating modules done"

    [Image: How-to-setup-Hydra-Dongle-Tool-9.jpg]

  10. Optionally, you can click Update All at the top

    [Image: How-to-setup-Hydra-Dongle-Tool-10.jpg]

  11. Once done, you should see "All are processed and downloaded"

    [Image: How-to-setup-Hydra-Dongle-Tool-11.jpg]

Important Notice
Contact the reseller you bought from if you have any trouble activating the dongle.

Video Transcript
Quote:In this video tutorial, I'll be explaining how to setup hydra tool or hydra dongle. First, you need to have purchased the hardware dongle then you need to download the hydra tool dongle from their website and also Alcor drivers, I'll link to that in the description. Now, once you have these in place, you connect the hardware dongle to your PC and you install the Alcor drivers.

Alright, so it is done. Now you click Finish. After this is done, you can now install the hydra tool setup. OK, so I'll need to fix a couple of these issues so I'll come back to that after fixing. OK, for those who encounter that Microsoft visual C++ error, you can safely ignore it. What I had to do was that I uninstalled all the higher versions including 2010 so that it would be installed manually. I also noticed that it automatically installs the Alcor drivers also so just in case it doesn't install Alcor drivers for you, you can manually install Alcor drivers as I did and then you can click finish and that is going to launch.

Now, you're going to need an internet connection I'll quickly re-connect my dongle. Alright, so the update is done, You just wait. OK, now, next thing you do is you need to run your activation. You come to this icon here, Registration and then you input your details and you click activate so I'll do that. Alright, there you have it. So you can update any of the modules, although it has done that already.

You can just click update all up here just in case the previous procedure failed or something, you can just re-run that manually although it had done that in the previous step. Alright, once that is done, you have all processes are downloaded and we're good to go so you can start running your Hydra Tool. So that's how to setup your Hydra dongle on your PC
This post was last modified: 11-02-2024, 12:46 PM by hovatek.

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