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Hovatek Forum DEVELOPMENT Android How to usb adb with android 11 mt9612 google tv?

How to usb adb with android 11 mt9612 google tv?

How to usb adb with android 11 mt9612 google tv?

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Junior Member
03-03-2023, 05:51 PM

I plugged in my male to male usb and it never got detected plus sp flash tool i had isnt compatible with MT9612 MEDIATEK CHIP scatter apparently. Can u give some android 11 usb adb google tv advice?  This is a Hisense 43A6H Google tv.

Ps my goal is to perform a backup then root then twrp if possible and change the resolution on the google home ui from 1080p to 2160p as it is a 4k tv.  I can provide any info u require.
09-03-2023, 02:47 PM
(03-03-2023, 05:51 PM)chris89 I plugged in my male to male usb and it never got detected plus sp flash tool i had isnt compatible with MT9612 MEDIATEK CHIP scatter apparently. Can u give some android 11 usb adb google tv advice?  This is a Hisense 43A6H Google tv.

Ps my goal is to perform a backup then root then twrp if possible and change the resolution on the google home ui from 1080p to 2160p as it is a 4k tv.  I can provide any info u require.

What does device manager show when you connect TV to PC
You can install drivers from https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-440.html

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Junior Member
09-03-2023, 11:30 PM
(09-03-2023, 02:47 PM)maxpayne
(03-03-2023, 05:51 PM)chris89 I plugged in my male to male usb and it never got detected plus sp flash tool i had isnt compatible with MT9612 MEDIATEK CHIP scatter apparently. Can u give some android 11 usb adb google tv advice?  This is a Hisense 43A6H Google tv.

Ps my goal is to perform a backup then root then twrp if possible and change the resolution on the google home ui from 1080p to 2160p as it is a 4k tv.  I can provide any info u require.

What does device manager show when you connect TV to PC
You can install drivers from https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-440.html

Thanks but I don't think that I can backup my rom because MT9612 isn't on the list, unless you think I can?  Can you tell me about compatibility with the MT9612 scatter file & SP Flash Tool?  By the way when I plug in the usb in either port, no detection at all but maybe I need to do the manual driver installation?  Maybe the auto driver install isnt doing it?

Junior Member
11-03-2023, 08:56 PM
Well I managed to interface with it over usb but have no idea how to get it into brom mode to backup the rom first using SP Flash Tool or another tool of your suggestion? I'd like to unlock the bootloader so I can root the device basically.
adb connect Android.local
16-03-2023, 10:23 AM

(11-03-2023, 08:56 PM)chris89 Well I managed to interface with it over usb but have no idea how to get it into brom mode to backup the rom first using SP Flash Tool or another tool of your suggestion?  I'd like to unlock the bootloader so I can root the device basically.
adb connect Android.local

What do these show

adb devices
adb reboot-bootloader

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Junior Member
17-03-2023, 05:27 PM
Can you see the image or no?  Also no devices show up at all in the device manager when the tv connected.  That I can see at least.  I checked AIDA64 USB Devices and it does not show up while in Android or fastboot mode.  Also adb reboot-bootloader just shuts the tv off and won't respond to any command.  Maybe its secretly in brom mode, idk?  I have to unplug it or flip the switch on the power strip off and on again to get it to turn back on again.  Right now im sitting in "fastbootd" it says but it says "Android Fastboot".  I tried installing the drivers but even after download the latest MTK usb drivers linked by the link you sent.  I get errors while trying to install.  The hash for the file in the specified catalog is not present.  Which exact driver do I need to use?  I'm using the MTK_Android_USB_Driver.zip from this website here :  Install OEM USB drivers  |  Android Developers ...  I need help knowing what command to use to know if I can unlock the bootloader and how to unlock the bootloader and how to backup my current operating system with all the files including the scatter file required for sp flash tool and the boot.img.
adb 1.jpg
Size: 65.57 KB / Downloads: 4
20-03-2023, 11:29 AM
(17-03-2023, 05:27 PM)chris89 Can you see the image or no?  Also no devices show up at all in the device manager when the tv connected.  That I can see at least.  I checked AIDA64 USB Devices and it does not show up while in Android or fastboot mode.  Also adb reboot-bootloader just shuts the tv off and won't respond to any command.  Maybe its secretly in brom mode, idk?  I have to unplug it or flip the switch on the power strip off and on again to get it to turn back on again.  Right now im sitting in "fastbootd" it says but it says "Android Fastboot".  I tried installing the drivers but even after download the latest MTK usb drivers linked by the link you sent.  I get errors while trying to install.  The hash for the file in the specified catalog is not present.  Which exact driver do I need to use?  I'm using the MTK_Android_USB_Driver.zip from this website here :  Install OEM USB drivers  |  Android Developers ...  I need help knowing what command to use to know if I can unlock the bootloader and how to unlock the bootloader and how to backup my current operating system with all the files including the scatter file required for sp flash tool and the boot.img.

Based on what you're saying, you were able to get it into fastboot but command isn't detecting it. Have you tried this method https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-17105.html

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Junior Member
21-03-2023, 04:26 PM
Yes, the TV doesn't show up in the device manager in adb or fastboot mode but I can issue adb commands just no fastboot commands I get zero detection in adb or fastboot mode again. I can adb reboot to fastboot mode but cannot get detected so no fastboot commands work.
23-03-2023, 08:39 AM
(21-03-2023, 04:26 PM)chris89 Yes, the TV doesn't show up in the device manager in adb or fastboot mode but I can issue adb commands just no fastboot commands I get zero detection in adb or fastboot mode again. I can adb reboot to fastboot mode but cannot get detected so no fastboot commands work.

Did you follow the guide in my last comment?

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Junior Member
23-03-2023, 02:40 PM
Well with the help of someone on xda developers I have the bootloader unlocked now via adb reboot bootloader and installing a special driver and i had it plugged in the wrong usb port is why it wasnt getting detected.

Now I need help rooting it, I have the boot.img... i tried magisk with no luck.

fastboot flash boot_b boot.img

It succeeds but I need help because it never roots my tv bro.

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