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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android [Tutorial] How to use SoftwareDownload (Transsion Aftersale) tool

[Tutorial] How to use SoftwareDownload (Transsion Aftersale) tool

[Tutorial] How to use SoftwareDownload (Transsion Aftersale) tool

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29-07-2018, 10:04 PM

This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to flash stock rom / firmware to a Mediatek device using SoftwareDownload tool. This tool supports flashing firmware in scatter format.


If you get any error in the tool before or during flashing then we have a list of SoftwareDownload / Transsion Aftersale Tool errors to help you resolve the error message

How to use SoftwareDownload tool

Follow the steps below to learn how to flash stock rom using SoftwareDownload tool

See the video below or @ https://youtu.be/3nUmxXS26_c

  1. Remove the battery from the phone and slot it back in without booting the phone (If the battery is inbuilt then simply switch if off)

  2. Launch SoftwareDownload tool as Administrator

    [Image: How-to-use-SoftwareDownload-Tool-1.jpg]

  3. Click on Settings icon by the top-left (the second icon in operation area box)

    [Image: How-to-use-SoftwareDownload-Tool-2.jpg]

  4. In the window that pops up, click on Load

    [Image: How-to-use-SoftwareDownload-Tool-3.jpg]

  5. In the next window that pops up, navigate to and select the scatter file for your phone model then click Open (scatter file is a text file with the word "scatter" in its name )

    [Image: How-to-use-SoftwareDownload-Tool-4.jpg]

  6. You'll now be returned back to the previous window, click on the dropdown bar and select the flash settings you wish to use

    [Image: How-to-use-SoftwareDownload-Tool-5.jpg]

  7. Click on Confirm

    [Image: How-to-use-SoftwareDownload-Tool-6.jpg]

  8. You'll now be returned back to the main window, click on the Start button (indicated with a play icon in green box)

    [Image: How-to-use-SoftwareDownload-Tool-7.jpg]

  9. The Start button should now be changed to Stop in red box

  10. Connect the switched off phone (with battery inside) to the PC via USB cord without holding any button

  11. A progress bar should start running

    [Image: How-to-use-SoftwareDownload-Tool-8.jpg]

  12. Wait till you get a Success message (green bar with Download completely), do not interrupt before then

    [Image: How-to-use-SoftwareDownload-Tool-9.jpg]

  13. Disconnect the phone, remove the battery for 15 seconds (if removable), slot it back in then power up the phone

  14. Ensure to perform a factory reset in recovery mode to clear any errors before trying to boot to homescreen

Important Notice
  • This tool was designed for Transsion devices (i.e Tecno, Infinix and Itel) especially those with secure boot
  • If you accidentally interrupted flashing and the phone went dead, follow this guide to revive the phone
  • SoftwareDownload tool requires a scatter file but not an internet connection. Scatter files are usually named something like MTxxxx_Android_scatter and are basically maps which contain addresses to which each file in your firmware should be flashed to.
  • Do not mistake scatter file for firmware / stock rom / flash file. A firmware contains several files, scatter file is just one of them so do not format your phone when you only have a scatter file
  • SoftwareDownload tool is for flashing only scatter format firmware. It will not flash an OTA update.zip (even though that contains a scatter file) or a custom rom in flashable zip format.
  • Using a Miracle Box scatter file in SoftwareDownload tool might give an error. If your scatter file is from Miracle Box then use Miracle Box to flash. Scatter files made from other tools like Infinity Chinese Miracle 2, Wwr_MTK and NCK Pro box work fine in SoftwareDownload tool 
  • If you can, backup your firmware before flashing with SoftwareDownload tool. While trying to flash an incompatible firmware should give you an error, you might be unlucky enough to successfully flash the firmware for the wrong variant, resulting in a bricked phone
  • Once SoftwareDownload tool has detected your device, avoid disconnecting till the task is complete as this might cause the phone to go dead
  • Avoid using a random scatter file (even though its for your chipset) in SoftwareDownload tool. Just because a scatter file is for your chipset doesn't mean it contains the same partition info. Force-flashing with a wrong scatter file could result in an overlap error or corrupted partition table.

Video Transcript
Quote:In this video tutorial, I'll be explaining how to flash a Mediatek Android device using Software Download tool. First off, you need to have downloaded the tool, I have mine here. You also need to have the firmware for the device which you intend to flash.

I'm using an Itel A32F for this video. I have my phone right here and the firmware right here its in scatter format okay? And of course you need to have installed your Mediatek USB VCOM drivers. We also have a guide for that on our YouTube channel and the forum so check out that guide, install your drivers, then come back to this guide.

Now, once you have these in place, the next thing you want to do is to open your software download folder. Now
this tool, by default, requires a checksum file. A checksum verifies the integrity of your firmware okay? now we already have a guide on how to generate a checksum for your firmware.

You can check out that guide., generate your checksum.ini and then copy it into the firmware folder but if you do not want to have to go through that stress you can simply disable the checksum check for this tool. Now, to do that you need to just open the config folder. You open the CommonSetting file using notepad++.

If you do not have notepad++, make sure you download and install that application. Now what you want to do so head over to the COMMON section. You want to change Checksum from 1 to 0. You also want to change the FlashChecksum from 1 to 0 and then you want to save (Ctrl + S) alright? Now once you've done that, you might want to close the file and come back to the parent folder.

Now you're going to launch the SWD.exe application so I'm going to go ahead and launch that. Now, once the dashboard is up, what you want to do next is to click on the Setting icon just here and then You click on load.  Now what you want to do is navigate to the location where you have your firmware.

I have mine in the software download folder so I 'm just going to open and then you highlight the scatter file then you click on Open If you don't know what a scatter file looks like, it's a text file MTxxxx_ (that's your phone's chipset)_Android_scatter so you just select that, highlight the file and you click on open.

Now, you want to select the flash option. You have Firmware Upgrade, Format All and Download, Backup and Recovery Download, Download only, reserve userdata. Now, if you're unsure what to select, just select Download only, reserve userdata alright? and then You click on confirm...so now we have the firmware loaded.

The next thing You want to do is to get on with flashing, so what you do next is to click on this green play icon and then it's going to change to a red stop. Now, at this point, you want to power off the device which you intend to flash, then you'll connect it to the PC via a USB cord. You do not hold any button when connecting to the PC alright?

You just power off, still with battery in it, do not hold any button then you connect it via USB cord...so I'm going to do that right now. Don't forget you need to have installed your drivers else this tool will not be able to detect your device. I have detection! I have my DA connection ongoing okay?

File download has begun. I'm on 2% so what You want to do is just be patient, do not interrupt this process alright? because if You interrupt, the phone will go dead. Alright, so my flashing is at 36%. Don't forget, do not interrupt this process because if you do, the phone will go dead.

Now if ,for some reason, you interrupt the process and your phone goes dead then you have a number of options. The easiest option you have is to just take out the battery and then you reinsert okay? That's very easy and then you can try to power on and then try reflashing but if your battery is inbuilt then you might have to connect the phone to a power source and keep charging.

It could take hours, It could take days for it to come up. That's a very slow process but it does work. You need to keep charging the device or you connect it to a power source, You hold either the power button or the volume increase button or even hold both. That would trigger the device to exit Flash Mode and then it's going to come up again but it could be a very stressful process okay?

So just try avoid interacting with the phone while flashing is going on okay? so I have mine at 93%. I'm almost done with flashing I selected Download only...and any moment from now...alright! great! I have PASS so it says download complete so what You want to do is to disconnect the device from the PC then You power up and You're done flashing.

That's how to flash a Mediatek Android device using Software Download tool in scatter format. This tool also supports the bin format so you can also flash in .bin format
This post was last modified: 04-10-2019, 11:43 PM by X3non.
Junior Member
02-04-2019, 08:56 AM
It requires an authentication file
02-04-2019, 10:17 AM
(02-04-2019, 08:56 AM)ivano28 It requires an authentication file

stick to your thread @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-27189.html
11-04-2020, 07:47 AM
it is asking for a auth file...,,STATUS_SEC_AUTH_FILE_NEEDED
11-04-2020, 10:28 AM

(11-04-2020, 07:47 AM)jpwilson77 it is asking for a auth file...,,STATUS_SEC_AUTH_FILE_NEEDED

create a new thread for your device issue by clicking "ask question" at the top
in the new thread, include your device model and a screenshot of the error message on the tool (ensure that you're using factory firmware and the format all + download option)
Enthusiastic Member
01-05-2020, 06:38 PM
DA connection failed! s_brom_download_da_fail
how to fix?
Senior Member
01-05-2020, 10:17 PM
(01-05-2020, 06:38 PM)yosefg DA connection failed! s_brom_download_da_fail
how to fix?

create a new thread for your device issue by clicking "ask question" at the top
in the new thread, explain what’s wrong with the phone and how the problem began.
Senior Member
18-05-2020, 07:42 PM
Thanks for this tutorial cos it has helped me in flashing TECNO POUVOIR 3 LB7
Enthusiastic Member
20-06-2020, 07:17 PM
I am trying to flash my dead boot frp ----Infinix x652b----. but when i connet my mobile to the computer it starts the process but then freeze on format option. Mobile keep connecting and disconnecting and then "Formating Failed"

Please please plz help me to deal with this problem.. Thanks in advance.
22-06-2020, 08:57 AM
(20-06-2020, 07:17 PM)Fahad116600 Hello,
I am trying to flash my dead boot frp ----Infinix x652b----. but when i connet my mobile to the computer it starts the process but then freeze on format option. Mobile keep connecting and disconnecting and then "Formating Failed"

Please please plz help me to deal with this problem.. Thanks in advance.

stick to your thread @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-34621.html
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