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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android Gionee ctrl v4s stuck at boot logo!

Gionee ctrl v4s stuck at boot logo!

Gionee ctrl v4s stuck at boot logo!

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Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Enthusiastic Member
31-03-2018, 09:37 AM

Hello Everyone Yesterday I restarted my phone gionee ctrl v4s and found that it was not going past the boot logo..I think it's because I rooted my phone and installed some malicious apps.I tried Hard Reset ,Battery Pull but it's not working .I have a PC .So I was thinking to flash a new rom ..I am a total noob in flashing Roms .So , I Will appreciate a step-by-step guide including a link to rom..I will really really appreciate any help from a pro..And sorry for my bad English..Please reply as soon as possible..
This post was last modified: 31-03-2018, 10:35 AM by Soumitra Yadav.
Senior Member
31-03-2018, 11:09 AM
(31-03-2018, 09:37 AM)Soumitra Yadav Hello Everyone Yesterday I restarted my phone gionee ctrl v4s and found that it was not going past the boot logo..I think it's because I rooted my phone and installed some malicious apps.I tried Hard Reset ,Battery Pull but it's not working .I have a PC .So I was thinking to flash a new rom ..I am a total noob in flashing Roms .So , I Will appreciate a step-by-step guide including a link to rom..I will really really appreciate any help from a pro..And sorry for my bad English..Please reply  as soon as possible..

Dump the phone's stock ROM using Miracle @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-13347.html .
Did you take note of the phone's SW Version?
This post was last modified: 31-03-2018, 11:10 AM by xerxes.
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Enthusiastic Member
01-04-2018, 03:05 AM
Quote:Dump the phone's stock ROM using Miracle
Did you take note of the phone's SW Version?
I don't know it's sw version .. Should I use miracle?
This post was last modified: 01-04-2018, 03:19 AM by Soumitra Yadav.
02-04-2018, 11:20 AM
(01-04-2018, 03:05 AM)Soumitra Yadav No,
I don't know it's sw version .. Should I use miracle?

Yes, try that, backup in scatter format. We need to find out your phone's original Build Number
This post was last modified: 02-04-2018, 11:20 AM by hovatek.

We have a reply schedule for Free Support. Please upgrade to Private Support if you can't wait.
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Enthusiastic Member
02-04-2018, 12:18 PM

No,I don't know it's build number.I downloaded a zip file named Gionee_V4S_0201_T6158 from
firmwarefile/gionee v4s

But when I searched for my device's information I found this-
SoC: MediaTek MT6582
I wanted to know if I should flash this zip with sp flash tool or not?
I am confused by the MT6582 AND T6158
Please Help me..
02-04-2018, 05:15 PM
(02-04-2018, 12:18 PM)Soumitra Yadav No,I don't know it's build number.I downloaded a zip file named  Gionee_V4S_0201_T6158 from
firmwarefile/gionee v4s

But when I searched for my device's information I found this-
SoC: MediaTek MT6582
I wanted to know if I should flash this zip with sp flash tool or not?
I am confused by the MT6582 AND T6158
Please Help me..

MT6582 is chipset type
Gionee_V4S_0201_T6158 is build number of the firmware

you need to verify the current build number on your device before flashing
use any of the methods @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-16005.html to verify the current build number of your device
let us know once you're done
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Enthusiastic Member
03-04-2018, 08:41 AM
MT6582 is chipset type
Gionee_V4S_0201_T6158 is build number of the firmware

you need to verify the current build number on your device before flashing
use any of the methods to verify the current build number of your device
let us know once you're done

Thnx for the information..
Currently I m downloading miracle loader to find out my phone's build number
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Enthusiastic Member
03-04-2018, 01:18 PM
I got err in miracle
It's not detecting my phone..
May be I don't have drivers please help and give link to drivers
03-04-2018, 04:11 PM
(03-04-2018, 01:18 PM)Soumitra Yadav I got err in miracle
It's not detecting my phone..
May be I don't have drivers please help and give link to drivers

whats the error message? [attach a screenshot]
also try other methods of retrieving build number
for drivers, see https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-440.html
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Soumitra Yadav
Enthusiastic Member
04-04-2018, 12:48 PM
Quote:whats the error message? [attach a screenshot]
also try other methods of retrieving build number
for drivers, see
The error is now solved.thnx for the drivers..I installed them and pressed the power key on my phone it gives following information

Welcome to use Miracle Box
(World's First Fuzzy Logic Based Tool)
Connected OK.
Fuzzy Logic Method is very safe and reliable !
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases Required Hold BootKey
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Open Port Err:
*** the Port be occupied.
Waiting for USB Port...
Waiting for USB Port...
Set MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM18)
Please Hold "ON" to connect with the phone...
Connected to Phone.
CPU: MT6582 SW:0001 Ver: CA01
Downloading Boot8 ...
EMMC Size: 0x01D2000000
Flash Type: EMMC
INT/EXT RAM Size: 0x0+0x0
Reading infr(EMMC)...
PRELOADER BaseAddr:0x0 Size:0x880000
MBR BaseAddr:0x880000 Size:0x80000
EBR1 BaseAddr:0x900000 Size:0x80000
PRO_INFO BaseAddr:0x980000 Size:0x300000
NVRAM BaseAddr:0xC80000 Size:0x500000
PROTECT_F BaseAddr:0x1180000 Size:0xA00000
PROTECT_S BaseAddr:0x1B80000 Size:0xA00000
SECCFG BaseAddr:0x2580000 Size:0x20000
UBOOT BaseAddr:0x25A0000 Size:0x60000
BOOTIMG BaseAddr:0x2600000 Size:0x1000000
RECOVERY BaseAddr:0x3600000 Size:0x1000000
SEC_RO BaseAddr:0x4600000 Size:0x40000
MISC BaseAddr:0x4640000 Size:0x80000
LOGO BaseAddr:0x46C0000 Size:0x300000
EBR2 BaseAddr:0x49C0000 Size:0x80000
EXPDB BaseAddr:0x4A40000 Size:0xA00000
SPDATA BaseAddr:0x5440000 Size:0x800000
ANDROID BaseAddr:0x5C40000 Size:0x80000000
CACHE BaseAddr:0x85C40000 Size:0x17800000
USRDATA BaseAddr:0x9D440000 Size:0xC0000000
FAT BaseAddr:0x15D440000 Size:0x73F40000
BMTPOOL BaseAddr:0xFFFF0000 Size:0x0
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