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Hovatek Forum HARDWARE Boxes and Dongles [Tutorial] How to use Infinity CM2 to write IMEI to Unisoc / Spreadtrum devices

[Tutorial] How to use Infinity CM2 to write IMEI to Unisoc / Spreadtrum devices

[Tutorial] How to use Infinity CM2 to write IMEI to Unisoc / Spreadtrum devices

18-02-2018, 12:06 PM

This guide will explain how to write IMEI, Bluetooth or WiFi / MAC address to a Spreadtrum (SPD) Android device using Infinity Chinese Miracle II (CM2) SPD. If you have an unknown Baseband then ensure to resolve that first by reflashing the firmware / pac file.


Steps to write IMEI, Bluetooth or WiFi / MAC address to a Spreadtrum Android device using Infinity Chinese Miracle II SPD  

Follow the steps below to use Infinity CM2 to write IMEI, Bluetooth or WiFi / MAC address to Spreadtrum

See the video tutorial below or at

  1. Launch Infinity CM2SPD

    [Image: How-to-write-IMEI-Bluetooth-MAC-address-...2SPD-1.jpg]

  2. Under Settings > CPU , select the phone's chipset (refer to )

    [Image: How-to-write-IMEI-Bluetooth-MAC-address-...2SPD-2.jpg]

  3. Click the Security tab

    [Image: How-to-write-IMEI-Bluetooth-MAC-address-...2SPD-3.jpg]

  4. Tick the appropriate box(es) depending on what you intend to write and input the IMEI(s), Bluetooth or MAC address(es)

    [Image: How-to-write-IMEI-Bluetooth-MAC-address-...2SPD-4.jpg]

  5. Tick Write in FlashMode

    [Image: How-to-write-IMEI-Bluetooth-MAC-address-...2SPD-5.jpg]

  6. Click Write Security

    [Image: How-to-write-IMEI-Bluetooth-MAC-address-...2SPD-6.jpg]

  7. Once the tool shows ====Wait for phone... , power off the device (with battery inserted) hold the Volume down button then connect to the PC via a USB cord

    [Image: How-to-write-IMEI-Bluetooth-MAC-address-...2SPD-7.jpg]

  8. The device should get detected, do not interrupt

    [Image: How-to-write-IMEI-Bluetooth-MAC-address-...2SPD-8.jpg]

  9. Once the IMEI / Bluetooth / MAC or WiFi address has been successfully written, you should get a Done message

    [Image: How-to-write-IMEI-Bluetooth-MAC-address-...2SPD-9.jpg]

  10. Disconnect the device and power up

Important Notice
  • Infinity CM2 requires a hardware dongle in order to work. If you only install the setup and try running (without a dongle), you'll get an error
  • If you are using a loader version and get a virus warning, you are entirely responsible for your decision to heed or ingore
  • The tool doesn't generate any of these addresses, it only writes what you supply
  • This guide only explains how to write IMEI so you are entirely responsible for what IMEI you decide to write
  • For latest Unisoc chipsets, try CM2SP2

Video Transcript
Quote:In this video tutorial, I'll be explaining how to write IMEI to a Spreadtrum Android device using Infinity Box Chinese Miracle (CM) 2 SPD. Now, you need to have the hardware dongle, you need to have set it up. We have a guide on how to do that on our Forum so check it out. You need to have installed your Infinity CM2 SPD module. Download that from Infinity website and install. You need to have installed your Spreadtrum drivers. We have a guide on how to install Spreadtrum Android drivers.

Check out our forum and YouTube channel. You also need to have the IMEI, Bluetooth or WiFi address you intend to write to the Spreadtrum Android device. Of course you need to have the Spreadtrum Android phone which you want to write your IMEI to. Once you have these, launch the Infinity CM2 module. I did that at the beginning of the video to save time. Once this dashboard pops up, what you'll want to do is to select your phone's chipset under CPU. We have a guide on how to check out your phone's Android version and chipset so check our Forum

Now, once you select your Spreadtrum Android device's chipset, head over to the Security tab where you're going to be writing the IMEI. Now, if you don't have this security menu, make sure you turn off UK mode. For Infinity CM2 SPD, you'll need to delete the UK file in the CM2 SPD folder. in your C:. Next, tick the boxes according to what you intend to do. For me, I want to write just IMEI to the phone and I'll be writing just one IMEI so I'll be ticking just IMEI1. Now, your IMEI has just 15 digits so select the first 14 digits of your IMEI.

This tool is going to automatically generate the 15th digit alright? I have my 14 digits already typed in here. Tick Write In FlashMode then click Write Security. Once you do that, you'll need to wait for the tool to display ==== Wait for phone.. Now, power off your Spreadtrum Android device, still with battery inserted, hold the volume down button [its volume up for some SPD devices]. While holding the volume down button, connect it to the PC via USB cord. You need to hold the volume down button to enable your PC communicate with your Spreadtrum Android device.

It might take a while for the device to get detected. [blue loading bar] I have a quick detection in this case . I'll just keep holding my volume down button and wait while the IMEI is being written to the device. Alright! That was successfully done. Now disconnect the Spreadtrum Android device then power it up and then you check your IMEI to verify that it has been properly written to your device.

That's basically how to write IMEI to a Spreadtrum Android device using Chinese Miracle II SPD
This post was last modified: 06-11-2019, 10:41 AM by hovatek.

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