Can't flash custom vbmeta
Can't flash custom vbmeta
fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta_custom.img
python2 avbtool make_vbmeta_image \
--key rsa4096_vbmeta.pem \
--algorithm SHA256_RSA4096 \
--flag 2 \
--chain_partition boot:1:public_keys/boot_key.bin \
--chain_partition system:3:public_keys/system_key.bin \
--chain_partition vendor:4:public_keys/vendor_key.bin \
--chain_partition product:10:public_keys/product_key.bin \
--chain_partition dtbo:9:public_keys/dtbo_key.bin \
--chain_partition recovery:2:public_keys/custom.bin \
--chain_partition l_modem:5:public_keys/l_modem_key.bin \
--chain_partition l_ldsp:6:public_keys/l_ldsp_key.bin \
--chain_partition l_gdsp:7:public_keys/l_gdsp_key.bin \
--chain_partition pm_sys:8:public_keys/pm_sys_key.bin \
--chain_partition dtb:11:public_keys/dtb_key.bin \
--padding_size 16384 \
--output vbmeta-sign-custom.img
(26-08-2024, 04:00 PM)Dg_09 Is the flag number the issue? Should I set it to 0?
I attach both images down below
(27-08-2024, 12:12 PM)maxpayne(26-08-2024, 04:00 PM)Dg_09 Is the flag number the issue? Should I set it to 0?
I attach both images down below
Neither Flag 0 nor 2 should stop you from flashing. Worst case scenario is you get a loop if yours is a type of device that requires flag to always be 0.
Such hanging while flashing issue is when your vbmeta is not signed properly.
Comparing both images in HxD, the problem appears to be your DHTB (the padding script)
Quote:Warning: skip copying (ipartition) image avb footer ( (partition) partition size: 0, (partition) image size: 134217728).
fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta vbmeta.img
(27-08-2024, 03:02 PM)Dg_09 ..
This one stucks at writing as in the beginning
Any help?