IMEI Changing Problem On HUAWEI MIFI E5573s - 320
IMEI Changing Problem On HUAWEI MIFI E5573s - 320
(21-07-2024, 12:33 PM)RuNTTv I successfully downgraded my Huawei MIFI E5573s-320 MTN using the downgrade method, which wiped the IMEI and SN. However, when I tried to use DC Unlocker to restore the SN and IMEI, I encountered an issue. After a successful scan, DC Unlocker would hide or delete the driver, preventing me from changing the IMEI or rescanning.
Fortunately, I was able to use PuTTY to change the IMEI and upgrade the firmware and WEB UI. The MIFI is now working fine, but I'm facing a new issue. When I check the system info on the MIFI, the IMEI displays as 00000000*,
(25-07-2024, 10:21 PM)RuNTTv yes it's a Web Ui thing, it even shows when I use DC Unlocker, is there a way to change the UI,