help me
help me
(23-04-2018, 11:19 AM)james bwalya I bought a second hand astro mercury android phone 5.1 but i can not open general Phone settings. No setting icon is found in my phone. Once i try to access it by scrolling down and click settings, nothing happens.Please kelp
(24-04-2018, 01:43 PM)james bwalya My phone chipset is MT6580.
I have no access to a working phone of the same model
(24-04-2018, 04:29 PM)TechInside same problem i faced too please help me also thanks.
(25-04-2018, 10:36 AM)james bwalya I made a dum scater file backup of my phone using wwr mtk tool and sp flash.I even flashed my phone using the backup rom using SP flash tool but nothing changed.
I downloaded the smart quick setting app from play store from the link you provided using wi-fi and installed.Only a few settings like bluetooth,vibration,wi-fi are working.The rest nothing is happening after clicking on them.