[Tutorial] How to use NCK Pro Box to backup Qualcomm firmware
[Tutorial] How to use NCK Pro Box to backup Qualcomm firmware
Follow the steps below to use NCK Pro Box to backup Qualcomm Android firmware
See the video tutorial below or at https://youtu.be/tmubXRfLC9oQuote:In this video tutorial, I'll be explaining how to backup or dump a Qualcomm Android phone's firmware using NCK box Qualcomm module. You need to have the hardware box and have set it up. We have a guide on how to do that. Then you need to install your Qualcomm drivers. After which you download and install the NCK box Qualcomm module setup. Once you've installed this module, launch it and wait for the dashboard to come up. It often takes a while depending on your PC so you just have to be patient for it to come up. Alright! Great! Mine is up. [resizing]
Now what you'll want to do is to click on Firmware Utils then click on Dump Firmware. I'm not going to tick Dump Raw Userdata because I don't intend to backup userdata partition. I you intend to then tick it. At this point, you power off the device, still with battery inside, hold both volume buttons then connect it to the box via the USB cord and wait for it to get detected. Alright! I have detection here phone's details are being displayed [resizing].I have modem as the first partition being backed up. You just have to wait a while for the backup process to be completed. Its very important you don't interrupt this process by disconnecting the box or the device from the box. Its phone to box and box to PC in NCK. Checkout our setup guide, that will explain how to go about the connection.
I have other partitions being backed up currently. I did not tick dump raw userdata because that's a very heavy partition. If you want to backup userdata, make sure you tick Dump Raw Userdata before you click Dump Firmware. The heaviest partition I'll be backing up is system. After boot, I should have system backing up. [pausing video recording once system starts backing up] Alright! Great! backup is complete. You can check the Saved to folder for your dump.
That's basically how to backup or dump a Qualcomm Android phone's firmware using NCK box Qualcomm module.