[Tutorial] How to fix black, white or multicolored display on MTK & SPD
[Tutorial] How to fix black, white or multicolored display on MTK & SPD
(05-05-2020, 01:54 PM)iammeelan I tried .Still same issue.
(02-09-2020, 12:00 PM)PHC-Yuukimaru I searched for the same build number for my Takee A8s Pro phone and the results came up with many different phones with the same build in them. Is it safe to flash them to my phone? I have my phone boots with audio but slowly lights from grey to white.
(16-12-2020, 11:44 AM)oumura sp flash tool keep prompting to format before downloading when I try to flash other rooms lk.bin. what do I do with this?
Im currently having this problem, everything works fine other than having the blank screen
model: N108
brand: hanzhong
Build: alps-mp-o0.mp1 o00623 release-keys