Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android [Tutorial] How to flash Spreadtrum | Unisoc .pac firmware using Research Download Tool

[Tutorial] How to flash Spreadtrum | Unisoc .pac firmware using Research Download Tool

[Tutorial] How to flash Spreadtrum | Unisoc .pac firmware using Research Download Tool

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26-01-2015, 02:29 AM

This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the Research Download Tool to flash a Spreadtrum (SPD) or Unisoc Android device's .pac file, firmware or stock ROM. It's about the same procedure for the Upgrade Download Tool and Factory Download Tool.


If you encounter any error(s) before or during flashing then see our list of Research Download / Upgrade Download tool errors for how to fix

How to use the Research Download tool / Upgrade Download tool

The steps below explain how to use the research download tool or upgrade download tool to flash a Spreadtrum PAC file

See the video tutorial below or @ http://youtu.be/vIXylSwA_AY

  1. Open the download tool folder
  2. Launch the exe (ResearchDownload.exe, UpgradeDownload.exe or FactoryDownload.exe)

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-1.webp]

  3. Click on the Load Packet icon (top left corner)

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-2.webp]

  4. In the window that pops up, navigate to the location of the .pac file, select it then click Open

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-3.webp]

  5. The pac file should now be loaded (its name should appear at the top)

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-4.webp]

  6. Click the Settings Icon (top left corner)

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-5.webp]

  7. In the box that pops up, untick any item(s) you do not wish to flash then click OK. Ignore this step if you wish to flash all files

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-6.webp]

  8. Click the "Start downloading" button

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-7.webp]

  9. You should see Waiting.... under the Progress bar

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-8.webp]

  10. Switch off the phone (still with battery inside) then connect it to the PC via USB cord (note that you might need to hold the volume decrease button while connecting to the PC on some phones) and flashing should begin. DO NOT interrupt

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-9.webp]

  11. Once flashing is complete, you'll see Passed

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-10.webp]

  12. Click on the Stop downloading icon then disconnect the phone from the PC and boot

    [Image: how-to-use-research-download-tool-11.webp]

Important Notice
  • It's essentially the same procedure to use the Research, Upgrade or Factory Download tool.
  • This tool is for Spreadtrum chips only. It will not work on any other chipset
  • This tool only flashes firmware in .pac format. If the firmware you downloaded is in zip format then unzip to view its content. If the content isn't a PAC file (but each partition's files) then you need to convert it to a PAC file in order to flash using this tool
  • Dumps made using Infinity Chinese Miracle II SPD are usually in .pac.sc format and can't be directly flashed using this tool. You'll need to convert the Infinity CM2 SPD pac.sc to pac format
  • For some phone models, you might need to hold the boot key (could be either volume up or volume down) throughout the flashing process. This is to enable the flashing to continue in the face of a connection-disconnection cycle
  • If you wish to flash selected partitions (using the Research Download tool), FDL 1 & FDL 2 are required to be flashed also.
  • You should only flash a pac file for your phone model and build number/variant. Flashing anything else could brick your phone
  • Do Not interrupt the flashing process as this could brick the device. If the flashing somehow gets interrupted, take out and re-insert the battery then retry the flashing
  • Hold the boot key (volume up / down button depending on your device) till flashing is well underway. You might have to hold it throughout flashing for some devices.
  • This tool was created by Spreadtrum Communications Inc. so credit to them for the tool

Video Tutorial
Quote:In this video tutorial, I'll be explaining how to use Research Download tool. You'ld usually use this tool when you wish to flash a Spreadtrum-based phone and you'll need to have your drivers which I have here and your Research (Upgrade or Factory) Download tool of course and your PAC file. Your PAC file is your stock rom. In the case of Spreadtrum, its in packets. You need to have your PAC file. I'll be using Itel 1452 for this video tutorial and you'll need your Spreadtrum phone.

First thing is to install drivers In my previous videos, I explained how to install VCOM drivers for the Mediatek and the Spreadtrum drivers but just for those who might have missed the video, I'll be taking you briefly through how to install the drivers in this guide just to make it easier for you so we have a start to finish approach. You could also visit our website to check the video or guide yourself so you can manually install the Spreadtrum drivers yourself if you ever need to.

I have everything I need. I'll install my drivers. I have the SCI driver; the Jungo and the Spreadtrum (USB) drivers so you just open a folder. The particular driver you'll install depends on the kind of PC you have. If you're using a 32 bit, you'll of course open this (x86) folder. I'm using a 64 bit PC for this tutorial so I'll just open this (x64). Just double-click this (DPInst). Now, before you proceed with this, its very important that you disable signature verification on your PC.

I'd shot a video on on that. You can also check our website on how to manually disable signature verification on Windows PC ensure you do that because if you don't, you might not be able to install unsigned drivers. What you just need to do is click Next. I'll be installing both drivers using this same approach My drivers were successfully installed so I just click on Finish. Next up is to install the other drivers SciU2S 64 bit (based on my PC). Just run this, click Yes to confirm and just proceed.  That's all

If you encounter any error at this point, what you just have to do is manually install the drivers you can check our website for how to manually install Spreadtrum drivers, you can also see the video Drivers installed. Next is to launch Research Download tool. I run as Admin just to avoid permission issues Click Yes to confirm. OK, we are open here. At this point, you'll want to disconnect your Spreadtrum phone If the battery is removable, remove the battery and slot it back in just to make sure that the phone is switched off.

At this point, my Research Download tool is up, you'll want to load the packet (file). Click on Load Packet In the Window that pops up, select the pac file. Its very important you do not flash the pac file meant for a different model to your phone if not you're going to have serious issues. Flash the pac file for your model so I'll load this pac file. Its quite important you're patient with this because (I have not responding) It could be quite slow depending on your PC type. Now, this is loaded.

I'm ready to go ahead with flashing all I have to do is just click this Start Downloading button but sometimes, you might encounter a couple of errors so I'll just take you briefly through some things you can do to avoid some errors You could get the NVdata failed error. If you ever come across that, all you need to do is just come to your Settings - Backup. If you're having the NVdata or some kind of NV error, untick all these items then click on OK. When next you flash, you'll not be having NV errors.

You can also select which items you wish to flash In this case, the FDL 1&2 are compulsory for you to flash. You might selectively flash some items In this guide I'll not be flashing all items. I'll be flashing just cache to avoid any problems although the pac file is meant for my phone, I just want to make this flashing a lot faster by disabling all other items except cache so I have a fast flash.

If you intend to flash all the files, you don't need to some here, just go straight to Start Downloading but in my case, I want to selectively flash. In a case where you have pattern lock maybe the owner forgot his pattern or something. What you'll want to do in that case is just flash userdata In that case, you would have your fdl files ticked and userdata (then maybe cache) ticked.

Those 4 files. So you just go ahead with flashing. Basically, you can flash only what you want like recovery system.. tick whatever you want to flash. I have my 2 fdl files and cache ticked so I click OK. Remember this part is optional so you don't have to go through all that setting. I have everything set up, I'm ready to flash. Everything is good to go. Next, click Start Download and you'll have progress bar saying waiting At this point, remove your battery and slot it back in (if removable). Make sure the phone is switched off then connect the phone to the PC while its switched off (battery inside).

Ensure the battery is well charged If after connecting to PC, all you still see is waiting (i.e nothing is happening). It likely you didn't install the drivers correctly so you might want to go  back to that step or your port is faulty, might want to change your port or in some cases, you might need to hold down the Volume down button while connecting to the PC but for some phones, once you just connect directly, it starts flashing. For phones like this one I'm holding you need to hold the volume down / decrease button while connecting to the PC for flashing. [connecting]

My flashing has begun. Alright! My flashing was successful, my phone is going to reboot. So basically, that's how to use Research Download tool. You could decide to flash all the files and come straight to Start Downloading (I can click Stop now) or selecting which files you'll flash by going to Settings then unticking any unneeded item. That's how to use Research Download tool
This post was last modified: 25-11-2023, 10:57 AM by hovatek.
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Techie Member
26-01-2015, 03:21 AM
format my tecno H5 with sp flash tools, now my phones don't boot and not taking charge. How can i fix it , thks.... Give me permission to download techno h5 stock rom
26-01-2015, 01:39 PM
(26-01-2015, 03:21 AM)oluwapoju format my tecno H5 with sp flash tools, now my phones don't boot and not taking charge. How can i fix it , thks.... Give me permission to download techno h5 stock rom

request @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-311.html

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Senior Member
27-02-2015, 04:19 PM
(26-01-2015, 02:29 AM)hovatek .

Does it applies to Tecno P3.
This post was last modified: 11-05-2018, 09:41 AM by hovatek.
Senior Member
28-02-2015, 08:09 AM

(27-02-2015, 04:19 PM)Tejrooney ..

I can't be able to download the drivers, it showing bad request. Pls take note it it asap
This post was last modified: 11-05-2018, 09:41 AM by hovatek.
28-02-2015, 01:00 PM
(28-02-2015, 08:09 AM)kainji1 I can't be able to download the drivers, it showing bad request. Pls take note it it asap
fixed! try again

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Senior Member
24-03-2015, 10:18 PM
Pls sir, link me where to download spd pac

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Hovatek mobile
25-03-2015, 08:02 AM
(24-03-2015, 10:18 PM)kainji1 Pls sir, link me where to download spd pac

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Hovatek mobile

we've not begun collecting

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Senior Member
25-03-2015, 11:34 PM
(25-03-2015, 08:02 AM)hovatek
(24-03-2015, 10:18 PM)kainji1 Pls sir, link me where to download spd pac

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Hovatek mobile

we've not begun collecting

Okay sir

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Hovatek mobile
Enthusiastic Member
25-04-2015, 09:14 AM
am getting NV data read in phone is crashed while flashing Itel 1352. whats the way forward.

(28-02-2015, 08:09 AM)kainji1
(27-02-2015, 04:19 PM)Tejrooney
(26-01-2015, 02:29 AM)hovatek ...

Does it applies to Tecno P3.

I can't be able to download the drivers, it showing bad request. Pls take note it it asap
This post was last modified: 11-05-2018, 09:42 AM by hovatek.
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