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Hovatek Forum HARDWARE Boxes and Dongles Battery bypass on Huawei E5573Cs-322 & E5573Cs-609 4G modems?

Battery bypass on Huawei E5573Cs-322 & E5573Cs-609 4G modems?

Battery bypass on Huawei E5573Cs-322 & E5573Cs-609 4G modems?

Enthusiastic Member
15-08-2024, 09:56 AM

Hello everyone,

I have got 2 4G Huawei modems, one network locked and another unlocked. I have been using them with the batteries till now. The batteries don't last for more than 8-10 months and I am trying to have them running without battery. I have gone through a lot of posts on different forums and there are 3 options suggested:

1 - Make a small circuit to fool the device that there is a battery connected. I am no electrical engineer and have never handled a soldering iron. Hence, I am afraid of trying this so as not to damage the device with my 0 experience and knowledge.

2 - Execute command AT^NVWREX=50364,0,4,01 00 00 00 . I tried this but on the unlocked device I get "Command not support" and on the locked device I get "Error".

3 - Flash the device with modified firmware. Thought of trying this on one device but unable to find correct images and would prefer option 2 somehow to get to work.

Device Info of Unlocked device

DC - Unlocker 2 Client 1.00.1442

Detecting modem :

selection :
manufacturer - Huawei modems
model - Auto detect (recommended)

Found Applications port COM7

Found modem        : E5573Cs-322
Model              : Huawei AuthVer 4 modem (New)
IMEI                :
Serial NR.          :
Firmware            : 21.323.01.00.306
Hardware version : CL1E5573CSM11 Ver.B
Dashboard version  : WEBUI_17.
Web UI version      : WEBUI_17.
SIM Lock status    : unlocked
Wrong codes entered : 0 (unlock attempts left : 10)

AT^NVWREX=50364,0,4,01 00 00 00



Device info of locked device
DC - Unlocker 2 Client 1.00.1442

Detecting modem :

selection :
manufacturer - Huawei modems
model - Huawei AuthVer 4 modem (New)

Selected Applications port COM7

Found modem        : E5573Cs-609
Model              : Huawei AuthVer 4 modem (New)
IMEI                :
Serial NR.          :
Firmware            : 21.333.64.01.284
Dashboard version  : WEBUI_17.
Web UI version      : WEBUI_17.
SIM Lock status    : Locked (Card Lock)
Wrong codes entered : 0 (unlock attempts left : 10)

AT^NVWREX=50364,0,4,01 00 00 00


Is there any thing I may be missing due to which option 2 is not working on both the devices? If I need to really flash the firmware can someone point to the right images?
15-08-2024, 11:24 AM
(15-08-2024, 09:56 AM)Jack26 ..
Is there any thing I may be missing due to which option 2 is not working on both the devices? If I need to really flash the firmware can someone point to the right images?

Did you try the oem_code mentioned @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-32528.html

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Enthusiastic Member
15-08-2024, 11:33 AM
Have to try it. As one device is already unlocked, not sure if any further unlocking is possible. Looking for the Unlock Code Calculator as the link mentioned in https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-25309.html is not working.
16-08-2024, 12:04 PM
(15-08-2024, 11:33 AM)Jack26 As one device is already unlocked, not sure if any further unlocking is possible.

What you've done is NCK unlocking, not OEM

We have a reply schedule for Free Support. Please upgrade to Private Support if you can't wait.
Enthusiastic Member
17-08-2024, 06:53 AM

(16-08-2024, 12:04 PM)maxpayne
(15-08-2024, 11:33 AM)Jack26 As one device is already unlocked, not sure if any further unlocking is possible.

What you've done is NCK unlocking, not OEM

I am unable to find the Huawei unlock code calculator which will take those hashes and generate the codes. I found another one called "Huawei-Modem-Unlocker-Bojs-v5.8.1b" which gave me NCK code and FLASH code. The NCK code did not work for the locked modem.
The FLASH code did not work for any of the modems when I gave those to AT^DATALOCK parameter.

I am not sure if the hashes will give me different codes. If anyone has the hash code calculator, please share.
Enthusiastic Member
17-08-2024, 08:36 AM
Well, I started to think about going the route of fake battery circuit and found this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikUdcQQOmuU . The person just put a tape across the negative terminal so there is not complete connection between battery and device and this works. Do not understand how it works as for a circuit to get completed the connection between + and - terminals should be completed. Unless, the middle 2 pins have a major role to play in telling the modem that battery is connected.

Going to observe for some days the performance of the dongle, specially if battery still heats up.

Will also going to keep trying to figure out the software bypass mechanism as well.
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