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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android Realme 5i rmx1925 Unbrick with Qfil, Miracle Box.

Realme 5i rmx1925 Unbrick with Qfil, Miracle Box.

Realme 5i rmx1925 Unbrick with Qfil, Miracle Box.

04-08-2024, 12:36 PM

as i bricked my device and search through google, i came here and saw one guy who opened thread about his realme 5 brick issue, so did he manage to unbrick his device? as i did everything but the problem is
sahara error in qfil
port error in miracle box.
05-08-2024, 10:20 AM
(04-08-2024, 12:36 PM)shanikhan0002283 as i bricked my device and search through google, i came here and saw one guy who opened thread about his realme 5 brick issue, so did he manage to unbrick his device? as i did everything but the problem is
sahara error in qfil
port error in miracle box.

upload a screenshot of the error you get in qfil

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07-08-2024, 03:32 PM
(04-08-2024, 12:36 PM)shanikhan0002283 as i bricked my device and search through google, i came here and saw one guy who opened thread about his realme 5 brick issue, so did he manage to unbrick his device? as i did everything but the problem is
sahara error in qfil
port error in miracle box.

QFIL won't work unless you have a no auth firehose
Possible options are ISP, MSM Download tool

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