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Hovatek Forum DEVELOPMENT Android [Development] How to use MTKsu to root a mediatek android device

[Development] How to use MTKsu to root a mediatek android device

[Development] How to use MTKsu to root a mediatek android device

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22-03-2020, 01:00 PM

This is a quick guide showing how to use MTKsu to root a mediatek android device. This guide will come in handy if you have no other means of getting root i.e locked bootloader, unable to get magisk or supersu to work normally on your device, e.t.c

UPDATE (might work if the old version doesn't) : MTKsu with magisk v20+ @ https://forum.xda-developers.com/android...st82081703

Note: This guide only works on 64bit Mediatek chipsets with the vulnerability


Steps on how to use MTKsu to root a mediatek android device

Follow the steps below to use MTKsu to root a mediatek android device

See the video below or @ https://youtu.be/u1EZozr4ly0

  1. Install all the apk files you downloaded in the requirements section on your phone (Ensure to install them onto your phone's internal storage)

  2. Extract the contents of all zip files (file managers such as XPlore can handle compressed zip, so you can extract using XPlore if you wish)

  3. Launch the file manager and create a folder named 'init.d' on your internal storage

  4. Inside the init.d folder, create another folder named 'bin'

  5. From the extracted suboot zip, copy suboot.sh file into the init.d folder

  6. From the extracted mtk-su_r**\arm(64) zip, copy mtk-su file into the bin folder

  7. From the extracted magisk-v18.1\arm zip, copy magiskinit file into the bin folder

  8. Launch magisk manager > settings > update channel > custom > (input the url indicated below) then press Ok


  9. Launch the init.d scripts support app > Accept user agreement then config the app as seen below
    • Try to acquire root privileges: unticked
    • Run scripts at boot time: ticked
    • Execution delay: tick no delay
    • Selected folder: /storage/emulated/0/init.d
    • Execute all files: ticked

  10. Click run scripts now (if you're using the free version then watch the video ad, usually 30 secs then click run scripts now a second time)

  11. Once show last execution results becomes clickable, click it

  12. If you see "Selinux Permissive" then your device now has root access and you can confirm this using root checker app from playstore

  13. The script is launched automatically upon booting so you don't need to do anything special after a reboot

Important Notice
  • Devices with firmware update released after March, 2020 has been known to block this root
  • You don't need a PC to carry out this procedure
  • Do not attempt to update magisk manager directly
  • A factory reset will remove root access and to regain root, you'll need to carry out the entire procedure from the beginning
  • You don't need to unlock bootloader before trying and using mtk-su root as everything runs from /data partition
  • With root access comes great power and for devices with dm_verity, note that mounting and modifying partitions that are been checked (e.g boot, reovery, system) will result to a brick
  • If you happen to brick your device after mounting or modifying a partition been verified by dm_verity then simply flash back your stock firmware to fix your device
  • If your device has battery optimization features, you would need to whitelist both init.d scripts support and magisk manager apps in order to allow them run at boot time
  • For a list of devices already confirmed to support mtk-su root, you can check the list @ https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpos...ostcount=4
  • If your device is not found on that list, there's no use of asking if it's supported. You'll have to try it out yourself to find out and if it's successful, you can report to the developer to add your device model to the list
  • Credits goes to @diplomatic for mtk-su

Quote:In this video tutorial, i'm going to be showing how to root a mediatek android phone using mtksu bootless root
So the first thing you need to note about mtksu is that it doesn't support all mediatek devices, so it's left for you to try it out on your device to find out if it works or not
So before we begin, my device is nokia currently running on android version 9
Now, i've downloaded all the files i need, the link to these files will be in the description
You'll need to download init.d script support, you can also get it from playstore
Xplore file manager, you can also get it from playstore
Magisk manager v7.1.1 to be precise, apk file
magisk v18.1 zip
suboot zip and lastly mtksu, my device is running android 9 so i've downloaded the latest version which is v19
So for the apk files, i've installed all of them on my device already. You can actually see them if i open the dashboard, you can see them on the list
So the next thing i need to do is, i'll need to extract all 3 zip files
I'm going to extract using 7zip
Now my phone is connected to the PC for file transfer, so let me quickly open another tab so i can easily copy things to and fro
So i'm going to create a new folder, init/.d then i'll open the folder
I'll copy suboot file into this folder
I'll create a new folder, name it bin
I'll open the bin folder, now i'm going to be using 32bit since 32 bit works for both 32 and 64 bit phones
I'll copy this file into the bin folder
Lastly, i'll open magisk arm folder then copy only this file into the bin folder
Now i can close the file manager and move over to the phone
So the first thing we're going to do now is we need to stop magisk manager from updating
So to do that, i'll copy this link, copy, settings, update channel, custom then i'll paste the link i copied and okay
Now i can return back to and refresh
So you can see right here it says latest is 7.0 which means it has blocked the updates successfully
Now lets quickly use root checker to check that this device is not rooted before i proceed
So as you can see the device is not rooted
Now i shall open init.d app
accept the user license, allow
Now we'll need to config this app, tick run script at boot time, execution delay, no delay, accept, selected folder, select the init.d folder you created earlier on then save
Lastly click run script now, now since we're using the free version, we'll be prompted with an option to display an ad, so we'll display an add
This requires internet connection, my device is currently connected to my wifi, so this is what the ad will look like
We're actually waiting for the countdown, now i'll click run scripts now again
You see show last execution has come up, once you see selinux permissive then you know you have root access and everything was successful
So lets quickly return back to root checker to confirm if there's root access now, check, and here i have super user prompt so i'll just click on grant and the device is rooted now
So this is how you root a mediatek android phone using mtksu bootless root
So with this now you can easily get root access on just about any app
So lastly before i end this, don't forget that you should never update magisk manager, always leave it at the current version as it is
Ensure to subscribe and like the video
This post was last modified: 27-10-2020, 04:15 PM by X3non.
Experienced Member
22-03-2020, 04:05 PM
(22-03-2020, 01:00 PM)X3non This is a quick guide showing how to use MTKsu to root a mediatek android device...

Thanks to you, I just rooted a Tecno B1p ????????
This post was last modified: 22-03-2020, 05:03 PM by X3non.
Senior Member
23-03-2020, 07:33 AM
init.d is showing


In Umidigi a5 Pro. does it mean dat my phone is not supported?

Screenshot attached
Attached Files
Size: 314.97 KB / Downloads: 23
23-03-2020, 10:36 AM
(23-03-2020, 07:33 AM)Studio ...
In Umidigi a5 Pro. does it mean dat my phone is not supported?

Screenshot attached

sadly yes, your device isn't supported
you can root using magisk instead
This post was last modified: 23-03-2020, 10:37 AM by X3non.
Engr. Ahmad Osama
Engr. Ahmad Osama
Engr. Ahmad Osama
Enthusiastic Member
29-04-2020, 02:41 PM

When I tried to root this log is shown
Can't acquire root privileges (Apr 29, 2020 6:33:54 PM) 
Executing scripts from /storage/emulated/0/init.d (Apr 29, 2020 6:33:54 PM)
/data/user/0/com.ryosoftware.initd/files/script-6094361405612018823[125]: ./mtk-su: inaccessible or not found

/data/user/0/com.ryosoftware.initd/files/script-6094361405612018823[125]: ./mtk-su: inaccessible or not found
This post was last modified: 30-04-2020, 03:28 AM by X3non.
30-04-2020, 03:30 AM
(29-04-2020, 02:41 PM)Engr. Ahmad Osama When I tried to root this log is shown
Can't acquire root privileges (Apr 29, 2020 6:33:54 PM) 
Executing scripts from /storage/emulated/0/init.d (Apr 29, 2020 6:33:54 PM)
/data/user/0/com.ryosoftware.initd/files/script-6094361405612018823[125]: ./mtk-su: inaccessible or not found

/data/user/0/com.ryosoftware.initd/files/script-6094361405612018823[125]: ./mtk-su: inaccessible or not found

you can try factory resetting your device then t=retry the entire procedure from the beginning

PS: next time don't quote the OP
Junior Member
30-04-2020, 01:23 PM
Can you tell me a bit more about the dm_verity part? How would you know which partitions are verified?

So if I can't modify the system partition then does that mean I can't uninstall the system apps or use other root apps that could modify the system partition like busybox or xposed?

If we're just running scripts after boot then I can just uninstall the app to unroot, right?

Is there anything I can do about this? https://imgur.com/a/dJphNfs
This post was last modified: 30-04-2020, 02:15 PM by hoimoiboi.
30-04-2020, 06:47 PM
(30-04-2020, 01:23 PM)hoimoiboi Can you tell me a bit more about the dm_verity part? How would you know which partitions are verified?

So if I can't modify the system partition then does that mean I can't uninstall the system apps or use other root apps that could modify the system partition like busybox or xposed?

If we're just running scripts after boot then I can just uninstall the app to unroot, right?

Is there anything I can do about this? https://imgur.com/a/dJphNfs

i'll suggest you read up about dm_verity on aosp website. partitions such as boot, recovery, system, vendor are usually verified esp the first two mentioned partitions

ideally that's what it implies, no tampering with /system

yes, stopping script execution, uninstalling the app and deleting the files will unroot

for error debugging, you'll need to contact the developer of mtksu @diplomatic on xda forum
This post was last modified: 30-04-2020, 06:54 PM by X3non.
09-09-2020, 10:38 AM
(22-03-2020, 01:00 PM)X3non This is a quick guide showing how to use MTKsu to root a mediatek android device. This guide will come in handy if you have no other means of getting root i.e locked bootloader, unable to get magisk or supersu to work normally on your device, e.t.c

Note: This guide only works on 64bit Mediatek chipsets with the vulnerability


Steps on how to use MTKsu to root a mediatek android device

Follow the steps below to use MTKsu to root a mediatek android device

See the video below or @ https://youtu.be/u1EZozr4ly0

  1. Install all the apk files you downloaded in the requirements section on your phone (Ensure to install them onto your phone's internal storage)

  2. Extract the contents of all zip files (file managers such as XPlore can handle compressed zip, so you can extract using XPlore if you wish)

  3. Launch the file manager and create a folder named 'init.d' on your internal storage

  4. Inside the init.d folder, create another folder named 'bin'

  5. From the extracted suboot zip, copy suboot.sh file into the init.d folder

  6. From the extracted mtk-su_r**\arm(64) zip, copy mtk-su file into the bin folder

  7. From the extracted magisk-v18.1\arm zip, copy magiskinit file into the bin folder

  8. Launch magisk manager > settings > update channel > custom > (input the url indicated below) then press Ok
  9. Launch the init.d scripts support app > Accept user agreement then config the app as seen below
    • Try to acquire root privileges: unticked
    • Run scripts at boot time: ticked
    • Execution delay: tick no delay
    • Selected folder: /storage/emulated/0/init.d
    • Execute all files: ticked
  10. Click run scripts now (if you're using the free version then watch the video ad, usually 30 secs then click run scripts now a second time)

  11. Once show last execution results becomes clickable, click it

  12. If you see "Selinux Permissive" then your device now has root access and you can confirm this using root checker app from playstore

  13. The script is launched automatically upon booting so you don't need to do anything special after a reboot

Important Notice
  • You don't need a PC to carry out this procedure
  • Do not attempt to update magisk manager directly
  • A factory reset will remove root access and to regain root, you'll need to carry out the entire procedure from the beginning
  • You don't need to unlock bootloader before trying and using mtk-su root as everything runs from /data partition
  • With root access comes great power and for devices with dm_verity, note that mounting and modifying partitions that are been checked (e.g boot, reovery, system) will result to a brick
  • If you happen to brick your device after mounting or modifying a partition been verified by dm_verity then simply flash back your stock firmware to fix your device
  • If your device has battery optimization features, you would need to whitelist both init.d scripts support and magisk manager apps in order to allow them run at boot time
  • For a list of devices already confirmed to support mtk-su root, you can check the list @ https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpos...ostcount=4
  • If your device is not found on that list, there's no use of asking if it's supported. You'll have to try it out yourself to find out and if it's successful, you can report to the developer to add your device model to the list
  • Credits goes to @diplomatic for mtk-su

Quote:In this video tutorial, i'm going to be showing how to root a mediatek android phone using mtksu bootless root
So the first thing you need to note about mtksu is that it doesn't support all mediatek devices, so it's left for you to try it out on your device to find out if it works or not
So before we begin, my device is nokia currently running on android version 9
Now, i've downloaded all the files i need, the link to these files will be in the description
You'll need to download init.d script support, you can also get it from playstore
Xplore file manager, you can also get it from playstore
Magisk manager v7.1.1 to be precise, apk file
magisk v18.1 zip
suboot zip and lastly mtksu, my device is running android 9 so i've downloaded the latest version which is v19
So for the apk files, i've installed all of them on my device already. You can actually see them if i open the dashboard, you can see them on the list
So the next thing i need to do is, i'll need to extract all 3 zip files
I'm going to extract using 7zip
Now my phone is connected to the PC for file transfer, so let me quickly open another tab so i can easily copy things to and fro
So i'm going to create a new folder, init/.d then i'll open the folder
I'll copy suboot file into this folder
I'll create a new folder, name it bin
I'll open the bin folder, now i'm going to be using 32bit since 32 bit works for both 32 and 64 bit phones
I'll copy this file into the bin folder
Lastly, i'll open magisk arm folder then copy only this file into the bin folder
Now i can close the file manager and move over to the phone
So the first thing we're going to do now is we need to stop magisk manager from updating
So to do that, i'll copy this link, copy, settings, update channel, custom then i'll paste the link i copied and okay
Now i can return back to and refresh
So you can see right here it says latest is 7.0 which means it has blocked the updates successfully
Now lets quickly use root checker to check that this device is not rooted before i proceed
So as you can see the device is not rooted
Now i shall open init.d app
accept the user license, allow
Now we'll need to config this app, tick run script at boot time, execution delay, no delay, accept, selected folder, select the init.d folder you created earlier on then save
Lastly click run script now, now since we're using the free version, we'll be prompted with an option to display an ad, so we'll display an add
This requires internet connection, my device is currently connected to my wifi, so this is what the ad will look like
We're actually waiting for the countdown, now i'll click run scripts now again
You see show last execution has come up, once you see selinux permissive then you know you have root access and everything was successful
So lets quickly return back to root checker to confirm if there's root access now, check, and here i have super user prompt so i'll just click on grant and the device is rooted now
So this is how you root a mediatek android phone using mtksu bootless root
So with this now you can easily get root access on just about any app
So lastly before i end this, don't forget that you should never update magisk manager, always leave it at the current version as it is
Ensure to subscribe and like the video
09-09-2020, 10:47 AM
Hi my device is tecno i2 mt6761 android 8.1, i just applied all the procedure mention above and got execution result selinux permissive but when i open magisk manager and root check it showing sorry root is not properly installed, what to do now ,where did i go wrong please help. Probt bdw my bootloader is already unlock ...
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