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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android [Tutorial] How to remove red watermark text on a Mediatek Android

[Tutorial] How to remove red watermark text on a Mediatek Android

[Tutorial] How to remove red watermark text on a Mediatek Android

27-02-2020, 10:28 PM

This error as seen in the screenshot below is usually as a result of formatting certain partitions on a mediatek android phone while flashing firmware i.e flashing firmware using format all + download or firmware upgrade

[Image: how-to-remove-not-verify-red-text-on-a-m...-phone.jpg]

If could be
  • Not verify
  • Unwritten google key Unwritten tee key
  • Tee key not write Google key not write

If you have a previous backup of the following 3 partitions (proinfo, protect1 and protect2) then simply flash them back to remove the red text but if you don't have a backup of these partition then continue with the guide below

How to remove "not verify" red error text on a mediatek android phone after flashing firmware

The steps below explain how to remove "not verify" red error text on a mediatek android phone after flashing firmware

Method 1: Editing build.prop


  1. Using the file manager, navigate to system partition directory. It should be /root/system or /system
  2. Scroll down till you find the file named "build.prop", Long press the file > Edit the file
  3. Search for the properties below


  4. Modify the values from 1 to 0


  5. Save the file and reboot the phone
  6. The error message should no longer be displayed

Method 2: ADB shell


Run the following commands


adb shell
pm uninstall --user 0 com.android.watermark

If the last command doesn't work try


adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.mediatek.factorymode

Method 3: SN Writer with TEE support

  1. Download a version of SN Writer with TEE Support (e.g v1.2020.0.0-415) @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-15450.html
  2. Write the original IMEI(s) using SN Writer

Important Notice
  • If you don't find the search properties within build.prop in /system partition, search for them within the build.prop in /vendor partition
  • This might also work for those who encounter the error "Not efused" or some chinese text displayed at the top of their screen in red color. You can try and let us know the outcome
This post was last modified: 19-09-2024, 11:21 AM by hovatek.
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