My Sony Xperia zr got hard bricked ,How can I revive it back?
My Sony Xperia zr got hard bricked ,How can I revive it back?
(18-04-2018, 03:49 PM)Amr Mansour Hello guys
My xperia zr device got hard bricked after flashing by twrp recovery official edition
I made a restart then the device got dead.
1-I tried to press power button the device viberated but nothing else.
2-I tried to connect the device using xperia companion but still nothing.
3-My device only detected as S1 Service when I attached usb to pc !!!.
4-I tried to flash it using S1 tool using the emergency mode by the test point after disassemble the motherboard.
but the pc got hanged then I got this error (
llbug: [\\?\USB#Vid_0E0F&Pid_0001#6&1636b011&0&2#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}] open error: "Access is denied")
5-I'm still not sure about the test point of the mother board.
6-Here is my device motherboard image. ( )
7-I'm not sure about the testpoints of the motherboard ,hope anybody help
(19-04-2018, 04:19 PM)Amr Mansour I didn't use any pc flashtool It was only flashed by the twrp app the official edition in the google store.
After restarting ,the device is dead ,then I tried to attach to usb ,it was detected as S1 service.
(20-04-2018, 04:26 PM)Amr Mansour No I didn't use any other flash tools at all.