Tecno CX dead after flash
Tecno CX dead after flash
(16-03-2018, 10:06 PM)kokodee I use spf to flash tecno cx mt6750 with the latest build version from Hovatek. And the phone is completely dead only detect mtk USB com port. Please I'll appreciate any help
(17-03-2018, 11:40 AM)hovatekYes it was successful (100%) and the build number was(16-03-2018, 10:06 PM)kokodee I use spf to flash tecno cx mt6750 with the latest build version from Hovatek. And the phone is completely dead only detect mtk USB com port. Please I'll appreciate any help
1. Was flashing successful (100%)
2. Did you take note of your phone's Build Number before flashing?
(17-03-2018, 11:59 AM)kokodee Yes it was successful (100%) and the build number was
(CX-H501D1-N-170405V107) But I used firmware update option on spf thanks
(17-03-2018, 05:13 PM)X3nonI've tried that still no response, even if i try flashing the same firmware it fails(17-03-2018, 11:59 AM)kokodee Yes it was successful (100%) and the build number was
(CX-H501D1-N-170405V107) But I used firmware update option on spf thanks
so that means both your phone and the firmware you downloaded are the same build, i.e CX-H501D1-N-170405V107
if that is correct, then leave your phone to charge to for a while. it should come up
(18-03-2018, 12:15 AM)kokodee I've tried that still no response, even if i try flashing the same firmware it fails