none usb port maybe driver not installed - error message from xtm miracle thunder
none usb port maybe driver not installed - error message from xtm miracle thunder
(30-09-2024, 01:09 AM)sektenkult I have found my blackberry from 2011 (i guess?) and for sure I have not anymore any blackberry email or dont know my old blackberry password, I dont even know how many charakters my Password could have, I tried on the 9700 yet, to enter the code 4321 and also 87654321 and also 654321 and i was suprised it allowed 4, 6 and 8 digits as a password instead of telling me "password to short" or anything.Send a screenshot of what your phone is detected as in device manager
now i have this miracle thunder because the internet says its possible to just read out the password and kept saved my old data, i dont know what picutres I might have taken in 2011 neither what else is on the phone, just havent had how to use it, battery once died and i never bought a new one till 2024, when i found the phone again.
Well, usb driver and blackberry software is on my windows installed but i get this out:
none usb port maybe driver not installed
can somebody help me