HELP ON HUAWEI Model B535-235
HELP ON HUAWEI Model B535-235
(06-06-2023, 07:04 PM)jcbasi Good afternoon
Because the mifi did not update the DDNS IP after an update, I tried to do a donwgrade, but that's where the problems started.
The mifi stayed with the Power light (white) and the Internet light (Red) both fixed and I cannot detect it by RJ45.
If I detect it in USB as Huawei... mobile Connet 3G modem and also as HU... Mobile Conne....3G PC UI interface (COM4)
Is there someone kind who can tell me the steps and the files to be able to recover the router and make it work again.
From what I've read I would need usbloader B535.bin the firm and webini.exe but I can't get any further.
I have Balong USB Down and it detects it but I don't have the usbloader and I don't know the steps to follow, please help...
Thanks in advance for the help