My swift MF910V nomad wifi stucked in red light
My swift MF910V nomad wifi stucked in red light
(02-02-2020, 01:28 PM)lavishlee6 I FOUND a Tutorial online i ised to crack my swift MF910 V then i was using it since last year till this year then in the third week of jan i wanted to use the wifi like normal i turned it on its just stuck in that red light showing only that red light ive tried everything even took to repairers none knew what was wrong with it please i need help to fix this pleaseĀ
(03-02-2020, 11:40 AM)lavishlee6 i dont think the battery is dead cos if you hold the power button the wifi will COME ON but it will stuck in that red light
if its the os how do i solve the issue
i have not tried another battery because of the issue of where i can find a zte battery that will match
(04-02-2020, 07:27 PM)lavishlee6 the red light its showing its for the batttery only the other led lights for network and wps are not showing