Zte k3772-z network unlock
Zte k3772-z network unlock
(03-01-2018, 11:20 AM)Mpondi Hello please i need your help on how to unlock my modem model zte k3772-z
network locked vodacom Tanzania
(03-01-2018, 02:25 PM)freshtyt(03-01-2018, 11:20 AM)Mpondi Hello please i need your help on how to unlock my modem model zte k3772-z
network locked vodacom Tanzania
this trick doesnt require you to unlock the modem, you can try it and see if it works for you
see routerunlock.com/free-unlocking-tips-for-vodafone-zte-k3770-z-and-zte-k3772-z-modem/
if it doesn't, then unlock using DCunlocker
see youtube.com/watch?v=IekPndzyekw
(03-01-2018, 11:53 PM)freshtyt(03-01-2018, 03:56 PM)Mpondi thank you first trick failed the second one i dont have dc unlocker account
obviously, you will need to create one and purchase the needed amt of dc credits
(04-01-2018, 09:04 PM)Mpondi okay there is no any trick like upgrade firmware or generate nck code