"How to bypass verified boot is enabled error in SP flash tool" problem
"How to bypass verified boot is enabled error in SP flash tool" problem
- partition_index: SYS8
partition_name: bota
file_name: NONE
is_download: false
linear_start_addr: 0x5600000
physical_start_addr: 0x5600000
partition_size: 0x1500000
region: EMMC_USER
boundary_check: false
is_reserved: false
operation_type: UPDATE
is_upgradable: false
empty_boot_needed: false
reserve: 0x00
- partition_index: SYS9
partition_name: param
file_name: param.img
is_download: true
linear_start_addr: 0x6b00000
physical_start_addr: 0x6b00000
partition_size: 0x400000
region: EMMC_USER
boundary_check: false
is_reserved: false
operation_type: UPDATE
is_upgradable: false
empty_boot_needed: false
reserve: 0x00
(29-11-2024, 03:53 AM)NeucomRaHave you tried flashing the param and other partitions that can't be flashed with SP Flash Tool using MTK Client?
I was watching your tutorial on how to bypass verified boot errors with partitions but I noticed that on top of my
"Param" section (the one i have to verify) there's a " partition_name: bota
file_name: NONE" instead of a normal one that has an existing file like boot.img
Code:- partition_index: SYS8
partition_name: bota
file_name: NONE
is_download: false
linear_start_addr: 0x5600000
physical_start_addr: 0x5600000
partition_size: 0x1500000
region: EMMC_USER
boundary_check: false
is_reserved: false
operation_type: UPDATE
is_upgradable: false
empty_boot_needed: false
reserve: 0x00
- partition_index: SYS9
partition_name: param
file_name: param.img
is_download: true
linear_start_addr: 0x6b00000
physical_start_addr: 0x6b00000
partition_size: 0x400000
region: EMMC_USER
boundary_check: false
is_reserved: false
operation_type: UPDATE
is_upgradable: false
empty_boot_needed: false
reserve: 0x00
How do I go about this? because I will have to use another that is far away on top of various ones until i find an actual .img file listed there, does the math changes? does anything from the tutorial changes?, because next step is opening both files on HxD, but "bota" just doesn't exists as .img file, ill have to go all the way top to "efuse.img".
(29-11-2024, 03:53 AM)NeucomRa How do I go about this? because I will have to use another that is far away on top of various ones until i find an actual .img file listed there, does the math changes? does anything from the tutorial changes?, because next step is opening both files on HxD, but "bota" just doesn't exists as .img file, ill have to go all the way top to "efuse.img".