Hardbrick Mood EDL Motorola edge 50 fusion.
Hardbrick Mood EDL Motorola edge 50 fusion.
(24-11-2024, 10:32 PM)RebelPilot89 Can anyone help me? install the custom recovery and then i choose a wron partition, now my phone its totally dead....Refer to (Dev) Motorola unbrick tool | XDA Forums
No, don´t get to fastboot, no vibrate, no, nothing, only the pc or de bugjajjuer on other device reconocite like HS-USB QDLoader..
i know i need the firehose how i can created? or the blankflash? i have the stock firmware, and another files i been recolected on my fight to make my phone comes back alive.
Please im very desparate.
Thank you so much.
(27-11-2024, 09:59 PM)RebelPilot89 Not working on devices on mode EDL, my phone only is detected on Qfil o Bkeler EDL but I don't have the corrects files or I'm don't know everything about this tools, and he's settings.
(28-12-2024, 08:28 PM)RebelPilot89 Oh thanks but I ready fixing I build one blank flash and works