[Please help] bricked xiaomi pad 5
[Please help] bricked xiaomi pad 5
(21-11-2024, 06:14 PM)Natsu24520 hello, I allow myself to contact you because I have in my possession a bricked xiaomi pad 5 tablet, I have been desperately trying to find a free solution for almost 1 year because I am not able to pay, I tried to flash it with qfil but I do not understand how to do it, I have the error dowload fail: sahara fail:qsaharaserver fail:process fail.Try flashing in edl using Mi Flash Tool @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-27300.html
can you help me please? thanks in advance
(22-11-2024, 11:06 AM)Natsu24520 Ok thank you, how can I have a authorized account please ?