[Please help] i bricked my tecno spark 20c
[Please help] i bricked my tecno spark 20c
(14-11-2024, 09:05 PM)koku1231r Hello there, i bricked my tecno spark 20c after i flashed gsi and i saw it got no gapps and i thought flashing a random twrp using fastboot flash system twrp,img was a good idea, welp it failed and the device is just bootlooping like crazy and i tried everything, used sp flash tool and it's says status brom cmd da fail (0x0060003) and i tried mct mtk bypass tool but it didn't work because the device don't even boot in brom, it's just booting preloader usb vcom port (com 5) for two seconds and then disappear and it's a loop, i tried tecno flash tool aka transisson tool or whatever it called and it's sending da error too
(16-11-2024, 10:41 PM)koku1231r please help me i am a noob
(21-11-2024, 07:59 PM)koku1231r give me a name of those tools i am going to buy one