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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android [Please help] MTK Bypass Rev 4 not working / MTK Bypass Tool also not working

[Please help] MTK Bypass Rev 4 not working / MTK Bypass Tool also not working

[Please help] MTK Bypass Rev 4 not working / MTK Bypass Tool also not working

Bilal Nawaz
Bilal Nawaz
Bilal Nawaz
Techie Member
14-09-2024, 11:12 AM

I tried to flash stock rom to my device Hot 30. I tried bypass tools. On my old device Vivo the tool working fine. But on my device Hot 30 and some latest devices it's not working perfect. Error is like "Unable to handshake". Is there any other way?

I noticed one thing
On Old devices, driver show MTK or Mediatek Port but on new devices it showing MTK Preloader 
I tried changing drivers and select Mediatek Port but on reconnection it shows MTK Preloader in Device Manager
16-09-2024, 11:56 AM
(14-09-2024, 11:12 AM)Bilal Nawaz I tried to flash stock rom to my device Hot 30. I tried bypass tools. On my old device Vivo the tool working fine. But on my device Hot 30 and some latest devices it's not working perfect. Error is like "Unable to handshake". Is there any other way?

I noticed one thing
On Old devices, driver show MTK or Mediatek Port but on new devices it showing MTK Preloader 
I tried changing drivers and select Mediatek Port but on reconnection it shows MTK Preloader in Device Manager

Have you tried MTK Client @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-46342.html
This post was last modified: 16-09-2024, 11:57 AM by justshez.

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19-09-2024, 09:56 AM
(14-09-2024, 11:12 AM)Bilal Nawaz I tried to flash stock rom to my device Hot 30. I tried bypass tools. On my old device Vivo the tool working fine. But on my device Hot 30 and some latest devices it's not working perfect. Error is like "Unable to handshake". Is there any other way?

The likes of mtkclient and mtkbypass won't work on this model because it requires authorization/auth. You best shot is with paid tools for now

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