How to recover data from a MT6592M?
How to recover data from a MT6592M?
(24-08-2024, 06:45 PM)Amalsha Hi all,
I have a phone which old, but i need to retrieve data from that phone, it has been sitting there for long time.
currently, the phone is not responsive, not turning on i brought & tried new battery, while connecting charger it once shows a battery symbol for 10 sec, then blank.
i use to connect on PC but in the device manager it connect and disconnect rapidly. ( Preloader and usb port simultaneously).
So, what should i do.
i can understand basic or medium level software, mtk bypass tool etc..
this is what i got from above tool,
( Waiting for mtk usb device... ok
BootMode : BootLoader[COM9]
USBDriver : wdm_usb
DriverVersion : 3.0.1504.0
DriverDate : 1-22-2016
ProviderName : MediaTek Inc.
Connecting to BootROM......
● Chipset 0x6592
● Info 8A00_CA00_0000_
Switch preloader to bootrom...crash succeed!
Waiting for mtk usb device... ok
BootMode : BootLoader[COM9]
USBDriver : wdm_usb
DriverVersion : 3.0.1504.0
DriverDate : 1-22-2016
ProviderName : MediaTek Inc.
Connecting to BootROM......
● Chipset 0x6592
● Info 8A00_CA00_0000_ )
please help to recover data if possible recover phone as new.
Thanks in advance.
(26-08-2024, 06:16 PM)Amalsha Panasonic p55 novo 1gb ram 3g
(28-08-2024, 08:13 AM)maxpayne(26-08-2024, 06:16 PM)Amalsha Panasonic p55 novo 1gb ram 3g
Do a full backup with WWR
(28-08-2024, 02:18 PM)Amalsha .. Is it okay to select..
(01-09-2024, 03:07 PM)maxpayne(28-08-2024, 02:18 PM)Amalsha .. Is it okay to select..
What I want to see is a screenshot of the error you got
(01-09-2024, 03:57 PM)Amalsha Above i shared both version of Sp tool i tried. i think it is due to the continuous connection and disconnection of phone while connecting the USB. also there was no enough time to readback at least 3 sec only and the download end up 66 % and then error popup. does the chip MT6592M Selection is necessary or MT6592 is okay?. please guide.
(07-09-2024, 01:01 PM)maxpayne(01-09-2024, 03:57 PM)Amalsha Above i shared both version of Sp tool i tried. i think it is due to the continuous connection and disconnection of phone while connecting the USB. also there was no enough time to readback at least 3 sec only and the download end up 66 % and then error popup. does the chip MT6592M Selection is necessary or MT6592 is okay?. please guide.
Maybe you should try a different USB cable and port on your PC.
read back the following
Start address: 0x0
Length: 0x8000
Region: EMMC_BOOT_1
Start address: 0x0
Length: 0x8000
(08-09-2024, 11:11 AM)Amalsha Hi, i tried above and got EMMC_USER Readback ok ✅. But EMMC_BOOT_1 Still showing Error S DA_ EMMC CONFIG FAILED 0xC50.