TEE Key not write Google key not write. CUBOT_NOTE 20 PRO_A013C_V12_20210331
TEE Key not write Google key not write. CUBOT_NOTE 20 PRO_A013C_V12_20210331
(08-08-2024, 09:36 AM)den4ik0785 Help remove the red inscription: TEE Key not write Google key not write.Format All + Download (Flash Tool)
Firmware: CUBOT_NOTE 20 PRO_A013C_V12_20210331
(21-08-2024, 10:08 PM)den4ik0785 Thank you, TEE entered from FT backup. Tried to port recovery from stock firmware on the Howatek website (TWRP
I had to use recovery from the phone itself, or would the archive with the firmware work?
(24-08-2024, 04:27 AM)den4ik0785 The only progress is that TWRP now loads and unloads stably.
(01-09-2024, 02:45 PM)maxpayneit seems that magisk is not a root, although the twrp terminal displays as "#", maybe I need to install magisk via fastbootd - renaming the apk to zip, the internal sdcard in twrp has encrypted file names, and the microsd = 0 mb, ADB Sideload (twrp) tries to start but does not work for zip installations (errors and freezes). twrp settings are not saved after reboot.(24-08-2024, 04:27 AM)den4ik0785 The only progress is that TWRP now loads and unloads stably.
You could use a magisk module to change those props.
Is it rooted?
(02-09-2024, 01:16 AM)den4ik0785 it seems that magisk is not a root, although the twrp terminal displays as "#", maybe I need to install magisk via fastbootd - renaming the apk to zip, the internal sdcard in twrp has encrypted file names, and the microsd = 0 mb, ADB Sideload (twrp) tries to start but does not work for zip installations (errors and freezes). twrp settings are not saved after reboot.