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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android [Please help] LG G5 Bricked completely, QFIL cannot write anything

[Please help] LG G5 Bricked completely, QFIL cannot write anything

[Please help] LG G5 Bricked completely, QFIL cannot write anything

03-08-2024, 04:16 PM

Hello, recently I purchased an LG G5 (H850) which was stuck on fastboot mode. It couldn't boot into the system or download mode, it always entered into fastboot.

I found the firehose file on XDA so I thought I could put the phone into EDL mode to recover the necessary partitions. Here's what happened since then:

I could see the partitions on QFIL->Partition Manager so I tried to dump the entire UFS; however, it couldn't finish and threw me errors relating to reading the LUNs. Therefore, I manually backed up fsc, fsg, modem, modemst1, and modemst2. When I tried to write to the laf partition from the stock rom to the phone, it threw the error:


17:12:49: INFO: {percent files transferred 100.00%}

17:12:49: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'Storage write failed at sector 0 length 1 errno=-1 (0xFFFFFFFF)'


17:12:49: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'Finished programming start_sector 1 and TotalSectorsToProgram 6'

| ___|
| |__ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __
| __| '__| '__/ _ \| '__|
| |__| | | | | (_) | |
\____/_| |_| \___/|_|

17:12:49: {ERROR: Please see log}

Writing log to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\port_trace.txt', might take a minute

Log is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\port_trace.txt'

So I tried to wipe the laf partition but this time, it destroyed the whole GPT partition table. At the moment, Partition Manager doesn't show anything. Writing the PartitionGPT_0.bin file with the command gives me the same error as above:


fh_loader.exe --port=\\.\com7 --sendimage=PartitionGPT_0.bin --start_sector=0 --lun=0 --noprompt --showpercentagecomplete --zlpawarehost=1 --memoryname=ufs

I also might add that the kdz-extractor gives me warnings while extracting the stock ROM such as:


[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "OP_T", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "OP_T", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "xbl", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "xblbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "xbl2", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "xbl2bak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "boot", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "recovery", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "recoverybak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "tz", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "tzbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "aboot", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "abootbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "raw_resources", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "raw_resourcesbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "rpm", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "rpmbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "hyp", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "hypbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "pmic", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "pmicbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "devcfg", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "devcfgbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "modem", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "sec", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "keymaster", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "keymasterbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "cmnlib", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "cmnlibbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "cmnlib64", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "cmnlib64bak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "apdp", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "msadp", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[+] Extracting all chunks!

I'm not sure what to do at this point, I don't know the version that the phone ran originally so I couldn't extract the original partition table. Even if I find them, phone doesn't accept writing to certain partitions (I remember that I could overwrite the xbl and xbl2 partitions). I'm not even sure that the NAND is damaged or not.

Thanks in advance.
10-08-2024, 09:24 AM
(03-08-2024, 04:16 PM)juniorcaesar ....
I'm not sure what to do at this point, I don't know the version that the phone ran originally so I couldn't extract the original partition table. Even if I find them, phone doesn't accept writing to certain partitions (I remember that I could overwrite the xbl and xbl2 partitions). I'm not even sure that the NAND is damaged or not.

Thanks in advance.

Try extract the dz using this https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-39098.html
Share screenshot of the contents

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10-08-2024, 12:31 PM
(10-08-2024, 09:24 AM)maxpayne
(03-08-2024, 04:16 PM)juniorcaesar ....
I'm not sure what to do at this point, I don't know the version that the phone ran originally so I couldn't extract the original partition table. Even if I find them, phone doesn't accept writing to certain partitions (I remember that I could overwrite the xbl and xbl2 partitions). I'm not even sure that the NAND is damaged or not.

Thanks in advance.

Try extract the dz using this https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-39098.html
Share screenshot of the contents

Sadly this tool doesn't extract the dz, I've tried it multiple times (and also tried v1.0.) Maybe there's something wrong with the G5's stock rom specifically.
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15-08-2024, 10:10 AM
(10-08-2024, 12:31 PM)juniorcaesar Sadly this tool doesn't extract the dz, I've tried it multiple times (and also tried v1.0.) Maybe there's something wrong with the G5's stock rom specifically.

What version of python is running on your PC?

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