[Please help] LG G5 Bricked completely, QFIL cannot write anything
[Please help] LG G5 Bricked completely, QFIL cannot write anything
17:12:49: INFO: {percent files transferred 100.00%}
17:12:49: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'Storage write failed at sector 0 length 1 errno=-1 (0xFFFFFFFF)'
17:12:49: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'Finished programming start_sector 1 and TotalSectorsToProgram 6'
| ___|
| |__ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __
| __| '__| '__/ _ \| '__|
| |__| | | | | (_) | |
\____/_| |_| \___/|_|
17:12:49: {ERROR: Please see log}
Writing log to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\port_trace.txt', might take a minute
Log is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\port_trace.txt'
fh_loader.exe --port=\\.\com7 --sendimage=PartitionGPT_0.bin --start_sector=0 --lun=0 --noprompt --showpercentagecomplete --zlpawarehost=1 --memoryname=ufs
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "OP_T", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "OP_T", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "xbl", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "xblbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "xbl2", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "xbl2bak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "boot", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "recovery", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "recoverybak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "tz", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "tzbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "aboot", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "abootbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "raw_resources", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "raw_resourcesbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "rpm", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "rpmbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "hyp", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "hypbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "pmic", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "pmicbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "devcfg", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "devcfgbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "modem", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "sec", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "keymaster", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "keymasterbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "cmnlib", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "cmnlibbak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "cmnlib64", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "cmnlib64bak", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "apdp", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "msadp", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[!] Warning: Chunk is part of "BackupGPT", but starts in front of slice?!
[+] Extracting all chunks!
(03-08-2024, 04:16 PM)juniorcaesar ....
I'm not sure what to do at this point, I don't know the version that the phone ran originally so I couldn't extract the original partition table. Even if I find them, phone doesn't accept writing to certain partitions (I remember that I could overwrite the xbl and xbl2 partitions). I'm not even sure that the NAND is damaged or not.
Thanks in advance.
(10-08-2024, 09:24 AM)maxpayne(03-08-2024, 04:16 PM)juniorcaesar ....
I'm not sure what to do at this point, I don't know the version that the phone ran originally so I couldn't extract the original partition table. Even if I find them, phone doesn't accept writing to certain partitions (I remember that I could overwrite the xbl and xbl2 partitions). I'm not even sure that the NAND is damaged or not.
Thanks in advance.
Try extract the dz using this https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-39098.html
Share screenshot of the contents
(10-08-2024, 12:31 PM)juniorcaesar Sadly this tool doesn't extract the dz, I've tried it multiple times (and also tried v1.0.) Maybe there's something wrong with the G5's stock rom specifically.