TWRP for a MeBerry M*
TWRP for a MeBerry M*
(29-07-2024, 06:12 PM)ksp TWRP does not show this device.
(29-07-2024, 10:38 PM)ksp 1. The only firmware I have available is on the tablet itself.
2. The developer settings has an OEM unlock which states "Allow the bootloader to be unlocked" -- I have set to on.
3. I assume you mean the processor/platform -- It is an MT8183 and the OS is Android 13
For the touch screen I see NVT-ts (i2c 1-004c)
Hope this is helpful.
(31-07-2024, 12:24 AM)ksp Thanks for the advice. I'm getting familiar with the process.
I haven't tried the extracting yet. However, I noticed the Wwr_MTK template with the chip set list does not have my MT8183 in it (don't know yet if I'd be using it). Also, I have Windows 11 pro on a virtual machine hosted on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS -- will that be a problem?
(01-08-2024, 11:37 PM)ksp Also should have said I tried all the combinations of up/down volume keys and power. My tablet has that single bar for volume up and down.