[Development] TWRP Recovery for RE87BAL1 | Realme C35
[Development] TWRP Recovery for RE87BAL1 | Realme C35
(11-07-2024, 04:58 PM)Ufiano ..
Ive tried with and without root. Problems are still there.
(13-07-2024, 08:48 AM)Ufiano How do you port twrp?
I have all drivers from vendor partition
Do you have device tree?
(13-07-2024, 05:31 PM)Ufiano Work_Id: "0dazZR3iS3YcNapOefYS"
Hello, can you provide me a device tree (If you can send also vendor tree)? My vendor tree is 3.5gb I don't know
I want to build custom ROMs also.
Can you move time to left because camera covers it?
Like here \_/
Or I can do that by myself but I need device tree