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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android Xiaomi Redmi 9c NFC deadbrick after try Frp removal

Xiaomi Redmi 9c NFC deadbrick after try Frp removal

Xiaomi Redmi 9c NFC deadbrick after try Frp removal

08-07-2024, 12:21 PM


after i read your support chat on Xda and visit your site Hovatek i wanted to contact you,
I have this Redmi 9c Nfc model it was with frp/pincode in order to remove this i used Unlocktool after erase Frp the device went on Logo Freeze so i tried flash it with different firmware versions and after flash the battery logo flashing and not charging showed up, so i tried flash again few times with sp tool as well as UnlockTool , the device connects to pc if disconnect battery and hold the buttons , and now finally its on black screen(nothing show on screen but device vibrate and conenct to pc with holding buttons)   ,  
 P.s: i also have a few other devices in such situations like the Motorola G14, Huawei P30(totally no sign of life after flashed on EdL) and the nokia 5 ta-1024( still cant find the right edl point for this model or how to flash/remove frp)
 happy to join your site , regards
09-07-2024, 04:56 PM
(08-07-2024, 12:21 PM)Ashi112 Hello,

after i read your support chat on Xda and visit your site Hovatek i wanted to contact you,
I have this Redmi 9c Nfc model it was with frp/pincode in order to remove this i used Unlocktool after erase Frp the device went on Logo Freeze so i tried flash it with different firmware versions and after flash the battery logo flashing and not charging showed up, so i tried flash again few times with sp tool as well as UnlockTool , the device connects to pc if disconnect battery and hold the buttons , and now finally its on black screen(nothing show on screen but device vibrate and conenct to pc with holding buttons)   ,  
 P.s: i also have a few other devices in such situations like the Motorola G14, Huawei P30(totally no sign of life after flashed on EdL) and the nokia 5 ta-1024( still cant find the right edl point for this model or how to flash/remove frp)
 happy to join your site , regards

Your phone should be Mediatek. What is the build number of the firmware you flashed? What is the phone's original region?

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25-08-2024, 08:07 PM
thank for the reply the owner could not wait longer and sold it for parts, i have 2 other devices :Ls777ZVH need flash firmware upgrade or downgrade ( i hve tried with lgup lab and dev tools to flash tot file ls777zve and ls7775_6 but i get errors like download fail or dll)and motorola g14 deadboot after try remove frp, do i have to open new thread for this or can i write here? i need service remote pls
01-09-2024, 02:30 PM
(25-08-2024, 08:07 PM)Ashi112 thank for the reply the owner could not wait longer and sold it for parts, i have 2 other devices :Ls777ZVH need flash firmware upgrade or downgrade ( i hve tried with lgup lab and dev tools to flash tot file ls777zve and ls7775_6 but i get errors like download fail or dll)and motorola g14 deadboot after try remove frp, do i have to open new thread for this or can i write here? i need service remote pls

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