How to unlock bootloader in Itel A70?
How to unlock bootloader in Itel A70?
(06-07-2024, 08:08 PM)hovtek0 I tried every method I found on this and other websites, but none of them worked.
Itel A70 has Unisoc CPU, but neither nor unisoc-unlock (Python module to unlock Unisoc CPU phones).
That means, for A70 phone, Itel used different private key, aren't they?
If that's the case, are there any sources, where I can get it, or get signature using this key?
I tried E-mailing, but got "Message not delivered" from my mail provider.
Long time ago when I had a Huawei phone after they already were not giving OEM unlock key to anyone, I replaced some data to that, for which OEM unlock key was known, using MTK program and then successfully rooted it. Is it possible to do something similar with Unisoc phone?
Also I saw mentions of Unisoc exploit on this forum. Are there any instructions in the Internet about how to use it?