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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android Request Redmagic 7 NX679J Android 13 stock rom Europe: V707 Firehorse Loader 9008

Request Redmagic 7 NX679J Android 13 stock rom Europe: V707 Firehorse Loader 9008

Request Redmagic 7 NX679J Android 13 stock rom Europe: V707 Firehorse Loader 9008

18-05-2024, 01:25 AM

Hey, i have a big Problem,
last Morning, i brocke my NX679J with Magisk Root, OrangeFox Recovery and some Magisk-LSPosed Modules. The Prob was, that i wanted to delet all Google Services, and the want to add microG+Apps and Signatur Spoofing to the Rom. But than, i broke the howle Device, after 2 Hourse searching and Trying, the only thing i can make, was use fastboot. and fastbootd, I cant get into recovery, that was a big Problem. because the recovery encrypted the howl super PArtition. iwant to flash back some partitions with fastboot enhanced. but, that was a bad idea. beacause the only thing i can do now, is flash in fastboot over adb fastboot tools, but that doesnt change anything, cause my data, metafata and system partition A/B encryptet and not mounted. i dont see them anymore. After many Houres research, i found some guides, that helped me understanding, how the A/B slots and his Partitions worke, and how i can solfe the problem, by flashing the original partitition table and recover the original recovery for my builde, but i need the firehose programmer for my device to use the EDL mode.
I tryied to useĀ https://www.temblast.com/edl.htm and https://www.temblast.com/qcomview.htm , i get the handshake, but cant reade my model and the user files to create my firehorse file. because i get handshake version 3.1 and this version need the Programmer to use all the commands.. sry for my bad english, im from germany^^
I hope someone can help me.
05-06-2024, 08:28 AM
(18-05-2024, 01:25 AM)Anal0gXx .. because i get handshake version 3.1 and this version need the Programmer to use all the commands.. sry for my bad english, im from germany^^
I hope someone can help me.

What you first need to do is download the firmware. Have you done this?

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