Sm-A037U Stuck in preloader and brom cycle loop after I flashed frp unlock in brom.
Sm-A037U Stuck in preloader and brom cycle loop after I flashed frp unlock in brom.
(20-03-2024, 05:55 PM)D6oy Sm-A037U Stuck in preloader and bromcycle loop after I flashed from unlock in brom. Can someone please tell me how to properly...step by step, flash this thing correctly to revive it from its dead boot? I tried flashing preloader without batt. Connect batt and try to flash rom. Romm ALWAYS fails with img mismatch error in SPFlashtool and I even have the auth bypass! I clearly extracted the newest firmware about 4bits newer than the original on it. So what's the process and why tf can't I get it to normal boot? Oh....sometimes after I flash will not be recognized by the computer. Phone doesn't charge, power on or even boot to the logo. Every tar I extract with androidutility v130...has impartial or doesn't contain my protect1 n 2 and all that good stuff. So how can I revive my damn phone?
I have unlocked by network and frp about 400 phones to date. These newer mtk's are something else. LG used to flash and then u would put it on the charger for 2 days and they would come back on. Please help me and let me know if there is any FREE software to automatically fix my phone n do the work for me...? I'm tired of messing with these Chinese phones where the bootloader's in Chinese along with the DL mode. Plz help me guys.
(30-03-2024, 07:24 AM)D6oy Ok. So ill send u some screenshots when i get home in a cpl oh hrs. To be honest i wanna scrap it but its my backup phone and this ks my hobby. This is the 1st ever Samsung i can not revive from the dead. Itll take a preloader and everything else u flash it except for obviously md1img, super, omr, prism, up_para,param and optics. My wiestion is...where do i get the logo flash files? When i flashed my A037u with the frp bypass preloadwr file, it was fine but i was being stupid and flash it like 3 times. The phone dies and never came back one. To this day its not came back on and km wondering how the hell you get out of this bootloader and bootrom loop im stuck in rn. Why when i flash correct preloader, it still wont charge or power on? Do i remove batt to flash preloader and then plug it back on to flash the rom? As for my bit version...idk. i forgot what one was used last and i think ita the AVB3 firmfiles. I have tried flashing it to uodgrade and no good. As for a dump...i used a dump file from the same exact model that upgradwd to the a037u1. I took those dumps of userarea and boot 1&2 and flashwr my ****.