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Hovatek Forum DEVELOPMENT Android Is there a root solution for SC7731E ?

Is there a root solution for SC7731E ?

Is there a root solution for SC7731E ?

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Enthusiastic Member
15-03-2024, 06:57 AM

I have faced a challenge trying to unlock bootloader of this device ( Positivo S509N with Unisoc 7731E) but finally succedeed . However there is no way to flash a custom rom ( I'm interested in GSI ) and no custom bootloader . Device accept flash in bootloader mode ( copy + write ) and yet it seems to restore original recovery . I've generated a custom vbmeta ( signed and also tried and empty vbmeta ) but didn't work. I have followed tutorials from this website ( which are pretty good . Thank you ) . And as a last resource I thought about using Magisk ( which requires root) to patch boot but it could not do . In the same way, I can not use WriteIMEI ( and I need it too much as I don't have a backup of original IMEI partition ) . WriteIMEI remains "verifying" . Port is shown according to drivers. I've comiled and run another IMEI tool  ( which report succeeded and actually reads IMEI changed ) but the OS ( Android ) reports different IMEIs ( dual SIM ) which I'm guessing were the original from the .pac firmware I used as backup ( as I don't have a backup of the originally installed .pac on this device ) . 

It has been a long journey and I have learn some things but still not sure how IMEI storage work. Where is it written? Why it does not change? and why this phone won't allow flashing a custom ROM. I should repeat that bootloader is actually unlocked. 

ANY guidance to resolve this problem would be much appreciated !!! I'm open to try procedures
03-04-2024, 10:45 AM
Its best you take this step by step so you don't confuse yourself.

(15-03-2024, 06:57 AM)4goTTen21 Device accept flash in bootloader mode ( copy + write ) and yet it seems to restore original recovery

That is due to recovery_from_boot.p but thats not your problem right now

(15-03-2024, 06:57 AM)4goTTen21 as a last resource I thought about using Magisk ( which requires root) to patch boot but it could not do

This makes no sense because magisk manager is how you root
Refer to https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-32678.html

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Enthusiastic Member
08-04-2024, 10:50 PM
Well, I found a GSI rom with built-in root ( through SuperSu instead of magisk ) . But I want to flash TWRP so to flash Magisk. But to my knowledge, you flash magisk through .zip using TWRP and not magisk app. But anyway the issue is flashing TWRP. I have flashed it as recovery, using fastboot. My device firmware has boot partition and recovery partition. I tried recovery and didn't work. And boot flash ended up in bootloops. So I'm not sure what approach to use. 
If magisk app open ( it fails to open I guess because of SuperSU ) . In some other ROM I was able to open the app and it asked to provide boot.img to patch it. There is my confusion. I don not which handles the recovery on my phone. Is it boot.img , is it recovery.img ? How do I know what image to flash ? A patched recovery or a patched boot ?
09-04-2024, 06:38 AM
(08-04-2024, 10:50 PM)4goTTen21 Well, I found a GSI rom with built-in root ( through SuperSu instead of magisk ) . But I want to flash TWRP so to flash Magisk. But to my knowledge, you flash magisk through .zip using TWRP and not magisk app. But anyway the issue is flashing TWRP. I have flashed it as recovery, using fastboot. My device firmware has boot partition and recovery partition. I tried recovery and didn't work. And boot flash ended up in bootloops. So I'm not sure what approach to use. 
If magisk app open ( it fails to open I guess because of SuperSU ) . In some other ROM I was able to open the app and it asked to provide boot.img to patch it. There is my confusion. I don not which handles the recovery on my phone. Is it boot.img , is it recovery.img ? How do I know what image to flash ? A patched recovery or a patched boot ?

Do you have a link to GSI?
And besides, if you want twrp just because you want to have Magisk, you don't need twrp.

You need magisk patched and signed boot.img and custom vbmeta-signed.img

S509N-BR-OPEN-2021110801 + S509N-BR-SMT-2021040801
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Enthusiastic Member
23-04-2024, 08:33 PM

The stock firmware would always work. The one your provieded ( I have actually used that exactly one before) but the root version would bootloop always. If I sign a custom vbmeta and flash it alongside the other .pac files, it would faile to complete the flash process. Your version of rooted pack, would flash, but bootloop. What I assume is that magisk can not be flash on this firmware or any variant. The bootloader is unlocked . Here is the GSI ROM with built-in root SuperSu [ Login to download]
01-05-2024, 09:39 AM

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Enthusiastic Member
06-05-2024, 09:39 PM
The objective is to install TWRP mainly. However if I could just have magisk in a GSI rom it would be awesome. so far I can not get to install and make work magisk on any rom. Nor to flash TWRP as all the time it ends up in a bootloop. I've tried using TWRP builder but that fails too.
18-05-2024, 12:05 PM
(06-05-2024, 09:39 PM)4goTTen21 The objective is to install TWRP mainly. However if I could just have magisk in a GSI rom it would be awesome. so far I can not get to install and make work magisk on any rom. Nor to flash TWRP as all the time it ends up in a bootloop. I've tried using TWRP builder but that fails too.

If you're looking to get TWRP then you should first root to ensure that you have a working signing process.
For the GSI, which ones have you tried and what were the errors?

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Enthusiastic Member
18-05-2024, 09:42 PM
Well, all GSI works ( I mean, the appropiate versions for my partition style ) but I have got root only on those that comes with built in root ( and they user SuperSu because they are old Android 10 instead of Magisk ) , but I have never root a GSI rom using magisk. The instructions to do so are: patch the recovery or patch the boot and flash that using TWRP or fastboot. Well, as I have explained before, flashing using fastboot succeed but regardless, it would bootloop.
I would really like to know why it bootloops. Or why I can not just simply flash an already rooted .pac firmware that includes magisk.
Maybe the assemblers of this brand changed something like to custom signing method but why someone was able to built a GSI rom with built-in root ( SuperSU )? And my existential questions is, why there are no ROMS with built-in root using magisk
22-05-2024, 01:04 AM
I don't know which magisk I originally used, but try this v23
Some newer versions had a problem with unisoc

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This post was last modified: 22-05-2024, 01:04 AM by Gargoyle.
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