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Hovatek Forum DEVELOPMENT Android Bootloader unlock

Bootloader unlock

Bootloader unlock

25-02-2024, 10:45 AM

Does anyone knows how to unlock bootloader in Itel a48 (L6006) device?

I tried to unlock the bootloader by using these commands...

adb reboot bootloader
fastboot oem unlock (not worked)
fastboot flashing unlock (not worked)
fastboot flashing unlock critical (not worked)

So now, How can I unlock the bootloader? I want to unlock the bootloader because I want to root my device with magisk using twrp.

Everytime I try to flash the TWRP recovery image file by using these commands...

fastboot boot recovery.img (not worked)
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img (not worked)

I failed, I also tried to directly flash the patched boot file of magisk by using the bellow command...

fastboot flash boot masgisk.img

(Note: I tried both boot_a and boot_b, none of these worked)

I once again failed...and when I tried to check if the bootloader already unlocked by using these commands...

fastboot getvar all (not worked)
fastboot oem device-info (not worked)

Upper commands returns only
OKAY [process finish time]
and I also want to mention that Fastboot and Adb both can recognize my device I also installed the usb drivers and adb drivers, Usb debugging and oem unlock is turned on.

Please help me ?
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