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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android How to GETPARTITIONINFO with REST in cmd mode

How to GETPARTITIONINFO with REST in cmd mode

How to GETPARTITIONINFO with REST in cmd mode

04-12-2023, 04:13 AM

For 'GETPARTITIONINFO' in cmd mode.  I use the command line is '"QFIL.exe -Mode=3 -COM=20 -GETPARTITIONINFO -Programmer="true;D:\CodeWorkSpace\binaries\xbl_s_devprg_ns.melf" -deviceType="nand" -searchpath="D:\CodeWorkSpace\binaries" -Rawprogram="rawprogram_nand_p4K_b256K.xml" -Patch="patch_p4K_b256K.xml" -LOGFILEPATH="D:CodeWorkSpace\qfil.log""
     For the " GETPARTITIONINFO" option, it can complete the function of get flash information, but after this, it can not restart to EDL mode, so i have to manually power the device to achieve the "reset to EDL" effect.
     I found that QFIL's 'TOOL->GetFlash Infomation' function can 'reset to EDL' after completion, if I want to implement the same ' GetFlash Infomation' function in CMD mode, what commands need to be modified?
The 'TOOL->GetFlash Infomation' logfile is ' GetFlash Infomation.log'
Quote:19:27:37: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'INFO: {"storage_info": {"total_blocks":8191, "block_size":262144, "page_size":4096, "num_physical":1, "manufacturer_id":44, "serial_num":0, "fw_version":"","mem_type":"NAND","prod_name":""}}'
19:27:37: INFO: Response was success in running to unrecognized TAG (response)
19:27:38: INFO: ==============================================================
19:27:38: INFO: Files used and their paths
19:27:38: INFO:  1 'C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\port_trace.txt'

19:27:38: INFO:      _            (done)
19:27:38: INFO:    | |               
19:27:38: INFO:  __| | ___  _ __  ___
19:27:38: INFO:  / _` |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \
19:27:38: INFO: | (_| | (_) | | | |  __/
19:27:38: INFO:  \__,_|\___/|_| |_|\___|
19:27:38: INFO: {All Finished Successfully}

19:27:38: INFO: Overall to target  5.391 seconds (0.00 Bps)

Writing log to 'C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\port_trace.txt', might take a minute

Log is 'C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\port_trace.txt'

Finish Get Flash Infomation
Start Reset To EDL
***** Working Folder:C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20
Finish Get Flash

Base Version:
Binary build date: Jun 25 2019 @ 03:16:10
Incremental Build version:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\fh_loader.exe --port=\\.\COM20 --sendxml=ResetToEDL.xml --search_path=C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20 --noprompt --showpercentagecomplete --zlpawarehost=1 --memoryname=nand

19:28:11: INFO: Current working dir (cwd): C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\
19:28:11: INFO: Showing network mappings to allow debugging
19:28:11: INFO:

19:28:11: INFO: Trying to store 'ResetToEDL.xml' in string table
19:28:11: INFO: Looking for file 'ResetToEDL.xml'
19:28:11: INFO: User wants to talk to port '\\.\COM20'
19:28:11: INFO: Took      0.01600000 seconds to open port
19:28:11: INFO: Sorting TAGS to ensure order is <configure>,<erase>, others, <patch>,<power>
19:28:11: INFO: Sending <configure>

19:28:11: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'INFO: Calling handler for configure'

19:28:11: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'INFO: Storage type set to value nand'

19:28:11: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'WARN: NAK: MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes sent by host 1048576 larger than supported 16384'
19:28:11: INFO: fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytes = 16384
19:28:11: INFO: fh.attrs.MaxPayloadSizeToTargetInBytesSupported = 16384
19:28:11: INFO: Target returned NAK for your <configure> but it does not seem to be an error. This is ok, fh_loader.exe attributes updated
19:28:11: INFO: Sending <power>

19:28:11: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'INFO: Calling handler for power'

19:28:11: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'INFO: Will issue reset/power off 300000 useconds, if this hangs check if watchdog is enabled'

19:28:11: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'INFO: bsp_target_reset_edl() 3'
19:28:11: INFO: ==============================================================
19:28:11: INFO: Files used and their paths
19:28:11: INFO:  1 'C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\port_trace.txt'
19:28:11: INFO:  2 'C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\ResetToEDL.xml'

19:28:11: INFO:      _            (done)
19:28:11: INFO:    | |               
19:28:11: INFO:  __| | ___  _ __  ___
19:28:11: INFO:  / _` |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \
19:28:11: INFO: | (_| | (_) | | | |  __/
19:28:11: INFO:  \__,_|\___/|_| |_|\___|
19:28:11: INFO: {All Finished Successfully}

19:28:11: INFO: Overall to target  0.062 seconds (0.00 Bps)

Writing log to 'C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\port_trace.txt', might take a minute

Log is 'C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\port_trace.txt'

Delay 5s for reset...
Waiting for reset done...
Finish Reset To EDL

Quote:2023-12-04 10:59:06.711    10:59:06: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'INFO: {"storage_info": {"total_blocks":8191, "block_size":262144, "page_size":4096, "num_physical":1, "manufacturer_id":44, "serial_num":0, "fw_version":"","mem_type":"NAND","prod_name":""}}'
2023-12-04 10:59:06.712    10:59:06: INFO: Response was success in running to unrecognized TAG (response)
2023-12-04 10:59:06.712    10:59:06: INFO: ==============================================================
2023-12-04 10:59:06.712    10:59:06: INFO: Files used and their paths
2023-12-04 10:59:06.712    10:59:06: INFO:  1 'C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\port_trace.txt'
2023-12-04 10:59:06.713   
2023-12-04 10:59:06.713    10:59:06: INFO:      _            (done)
2023-12-04 10:59:06.713    10:59:06: INFO:    | |               
2023-12-04 10:59:06.713    10:59:06: INFO:  __| | ___  _ __  ___
2023-12-04 10:59:06.713    10:59:06: INFO:  / _` |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \
2023-12-04 10:59:06.713    10:59:06: INFO: | (_| | (_) | | | |  __/
2023-12-04 10:59:06.714    10:59:06: INFO:  \__,_|\___/|_| |_|\___|
2023-12-04 10:59:06.714    10:59:06: INFO: {All Finished Successfully}
2023-12-04 10:59:06.714   
2023-12-04 10:59:06.714    10:59:06: INFO: Overall to target  5.391 seconds (0.00 Bps)
2023-12-04 10:59:06.714   
2023-12-04 10:59:06.715    Writing log to 'C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\port_trace.txt', might take a minute
2023-12-04 10:59:06.715   
2023-12-04 10:59:06.715   
2023-12-04 10:59:06.715    Log is 'C:\Users\kent.li\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_20\port_trace.txt'
2023-12-04 10:59:06.715   
2023-12-04 10:59:06.716    GetPartitions Fail:FireHose Fail:Storage type is not supportted
2023-12-04 10:59:06.717    Finish GetPartitions
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04-12-2023, 04:13 AM
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