[Please help] Unisoc Alldocube iPlay 20 - Wifi and BT driver time out
[Please help] Unisoc Alldocube iPlay 20 - Wifi and BT driver time out
WifiHAL : Timed out wating on Driver ready
android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Timed out awaiting driver ready
(24-10-2023, 02:55 AM)lifetimemistake ..
Some questions:
- Has anyone experienced similar problems after using ResearchDownload?
- Could the NVRAM corruption be the cause, and if so, why are the IMEI numbers unaffected?
- What am I really flashing with these FDL1 and FDL2 partitions.
- What exactly is the "backup" page in ResearchDownload? It seems to contain a bunch of NVRAM items and it is my understanding that these are backed up before flashing and restored after the process completes. Is that correct? When I uncheck some of these backups and flash stock NVRAM I get warned that my NVRAM will be destroyed and my IMEI numbers will have to be programmed again but upon booting they're still there.
I would really appreciate any guidance or insight into resolving these problems.
(25-10-2023, 12:18 PM)hovatek - Has anyone experienced similar problems after using ResearchDownload?
I would advise you only do a dump for keeps. if you must flash, a factory firmware would be better i.e "stock firmware" or "alldocube firmware". The "distributor firmware" could also come in handy. Try using Factory Download & Upgrade Download tool to flash when you get weird results from the Research Download Tool.
(25-10-2023, 12:18 PM)hovatek - Could the NVRAM corruption be the cause, and if so, why are the IMEI numbers unaffected?
I would look at NVdata and other NV partitions. First, try doing a factory reset after such a flash. If you still encounter WiFi and Bluetooth issues then try re-writing your WiFi (MAC) and Bluetooth addresses as explained @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-27308.html
Quote:No response from phone, please make sure phone has been powered on.
(25-10-2023, 12:18 PM)hovatek - What am I really flashing with these FDL1 and FDL2 partitions.
Firmware Downloader. This is the code that can read/write flash memory. Usually divided into two stages FDL1 and FDL2, a small first stage is needed to initialize external RAM and then loads FDL2 into RAM. i.e are required for the tools to communicate with your phone in download/flash mode.
(25-10-2023, 12:18 PM)hovatek - What exactly is the "backup" page in ResearchDownload?
The backup page allows you to backup selected partitions before whatever operation you are trying to do. There's also an NV section which lists NV partitions that will be backed up and flashed back to your device after whatever you are trying to do. This is a potential flash point because reflashing an improperly done backup could be the problem. I would leave out this option
(26-10-2023, 05:58 PM)lifetimemistake Every time I flash I leave EraseUBOOT, SPL_LOADER, EraseMisc, EraseSysdumpdb, EraseMetadata and UBOOT_LOADER turned off as I'm not sure what the consequences of a bad uboot write would be. Do I need to flash these files/run these operations as well?
(26-10-2023, 05:58 PM)lifetimemistake But it seems that the device does not recognize the commands the tool is sending as I get a time out:
(26-10-2023, 05:58 PM)lifetimemistake If these boxes are checked what is the operation order? Does the tool back up my nvdata, flash it from the pac file, and restore it?
(26-10-2023, 05:58 PM)lifetimemistake If I wanted to clear my nvdata, which boxes do I unselect? Just the NV_LTE and ProdNV at the bottom in "File Backup"?
(26-10-2023, 05:58 PM)lifetimemistake What about the "Repartition" option from the "Options" tab? How exactly does it perform the repartitioning?