Unlock bootloader xiaomi Redmi 4x
Unlock bootloader xiaomi Redmi 4x
(06-08-2023, 06:25 PM)Peter50 Hello friends,
Hello friends,
I've been struggling to unlock the bootloader of my new (old) phone for over a week. It's a Xiaomi Redmi 4x. I want to play a current ROM on it because some apps don't work with Android 6 anymore.
I tried it with the XiaoMiTool V2 and got the answer: "Xiaomi procedure failed: Missing serviceToken cookie". I can't get any further with miflash_unlock either, it goes up to 99% and then "Couldn't unlock, unlock again". A few other attempts didn't help either.
Now I came across Mr. Hovatek's video on YT "How to unlock Android Bootloader using ADB & Fastboot". I was thrilled and happy to have finally found a working solution. I had already installed "Minimal ADB and Fastboot".
Unfortunately I don't get very far. Only the first 2 steps work:
adb devices >> is displayed,
adb reboot-bootlader >> changes to Fastboot.
But then it's over. Nothing is displayed for fastboot devices.
What now? What else can I do?
Does somebody has any idea?
Thanks in advance.