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Hovatek Forum MOBILE Android Infinix S4 Phone Stuck in an endless Orange state bootloop

Infinix S4 Phone Stuck in an endless Orange state bootloop

Infinix S4 Phone Stuck in an endless Orange state bootloop

Enthusiastic Member
10-07-2023, 07:40 PM

Good day My elders, I'm newbie to this whole rooting thingy but I've done enough reading and YouTube watching to gain enough confidence to subject my phone to rooting (unfortunately I didn't come across hovatek until I ran into this problem )

What happened was that I wanna root my phone through a custom recovery (twrp) and magisk. I've gained enough insight on how to patch my own custom recovery image but upon seeing a (very short 2 mins) YouTube video which provided a link to download Infinix S4 patch twrp image, I decided to go for it instead of doing my own. Following the video instructions 3 codes.here is what I did after setting up adb and fastboot on windows.
1. cmd: adb reboot bootloader (and my phone to fastboot mode)
Even my system couldn't install an adb driver for my phone, I had to use all those manual select driver method

2. Fastboot oem unlock (this didn't go, it gave me an error that i think.. device or bootloader is locked or something along that line, can't remember. Then base on my own learning history, I used this code: "fastboot flashing unlock". And it goes, I confirmed the promt to lose all my data bla bla bla. Then I enter the last code from the indian guy video
3. Fastboot flash recovery twrp.img. after it's done, I wqs suppose to reboot back into (twrp custom?) Recovery and use it to install the magisk.zip.
So I just type the command "fastboot reboot" and as soon as the phone went off, I press and hold volume up + power button so the phone will enter recovery as it restarts. Well the phone restarts, showed me the Infinix and 'powered by android screen', then it shows:"Orange state
Your device has been unlocked and can't be trusted
Your device will boot in 5 seconds"
But my device never booted, it will just show that screen for 25 seconds, then shutdown for about 5 seconds and turn on again showing that screen for 25 seconds then shutdown and on again, and the cycle goes on and on.

And it's Worthy to note that adb can't see my phone again whenever I check adb devices just before my phone switch off in it's bootloops, meaning I can't set it up again unless my phone boot to homescreen.

I saw a thread here about how to hide the orange screen but since mine isn't just a nuisance that can be hidden, but it's preventing my phone from ever booting to homescreen. So I'm not sure if that method will work for me. Coz I see other people here who had the orange state problem it's not preventing their phone from booting.

I'm sorry for the long story, I just want to be thorough so that any Expert here would be able to know what I did wrong and how I can overcome this problem problem. Please explain to me like a newbie that I am so I'll understand.

I've spend the last couple of hours on this forun reading different threads relating to rooting, flashing etc, while I've learnt a lot I'm still confused about how to go about my problem.
Device name is Infinix S4 3gb/32gb

The video that mislead me: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gIgGn5Jjyo...Zpbml4IHM0

Help me please, I'm using my cousin's phone.
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10-07-2023, 07:40 PM
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11-07-2023, 01:11 PM
U cause it yourself
When u unlock the bootloader u need to disable verify boot before flashing twrp ,if not the phone will not boot to either system nor twrp.
So go to our forum here and download empty vbmeta and flash it either with flashtool or mtkclient before flashing twrp

U can download the 3.3.1 version for your device
[ Login to download]
Enthusiastic Member
12-07-2023, 04:36 PM
(11-07-2023, 01:11 PM)kelvinchinedu U cause it yourself
When u unlock the bootloader u need to disable verify boot before flashing twrp ,if not the phone will not boot to either system nor twrp.
So go to our forum here and download empty vbmeta and flash it either with flashtool or mtkclient before flashing twrp

U can download the 3.3.1 version for your device
[ Login to download]

Ikr. You see.. that's what I'm saying, I didn't come across this forum until after I've done the deed, that's when I realized DM-verity comes next after bootloader unlock.

By the way, the file link you gave me is EXACTLY the same the indian guy put in his video description. So does that mean he gave the correct file, but just not the correct procedure?

I've already gotten the dm-verity.img file but how will I flash it when I can't even boot my phone to fastboot or recovery again? It just keeps restarting, none of the key combination I press works.
This post was last modified: 12-07-2023, 04:38 PM by Kcryptonian. Edit Reason: Typo
Enthusiastic Member
12-07-2023, 05:33 PM

I just realized I posted this in the wrong forum ?
18-07-2023, 08:10 AM
He gave u good file,but wrong procedure
But even if you can't boot to recovery or fastboot u can still use mtkclient or spflashtool to flash the image by using brom mode .

U already know how to boot that
21-07-2023, 01:06 PM
(12-07-2023, 04:36 PM)Kcryptonian Ikr. You see.. that's what I'm saying, I didn't come across this forum until after I've done the deed, that's when I realized DM-verity comes next after bootloader unlock.

By the way, the file link you gave me is EXACTLY the same the indian guy put in his video description. So does that mean he gave the correct file, but just not the correct procedure?

I've already gotten the dm-verity.img file but how will I flash it when I can't even boot my phone to fastboot or recovery again? It just keeps restarting, none of the key combination I press works.

Your problem is very easy to fix.
1. Download blank vbmeta in method 3 from https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-32719.html
2. Download ONLY scatter file for X626-H624JK-P-200508V412 from https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-27769.html
3. Flash the vbmeta using SP flash tool https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-159.html

Your phone should boot

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29-08-2023, 10:50 PM
U need to use mtkclient or byepass utility to flash a partition only if u have secure boot
If no use link provided above
Enthusiastic Member
13-11-2023, 07:59 AM
(29-08-2023, 10:50 PM)kelvinchinedu U need to use mtkclient or byepass utility to flash a partition only if u have secure boot
If no use link provided above

Sorry I didn't get back to you all thes  time. Na because I've already fixed the issue like a month before you even sentt that reply with the same method.
Thanks boss
28-02-2024, 11:01 PM
¿Cómo hiciste para solucionarlo? Tengo el mismo problema, ¿puedes ayudarme?
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