firmware teclast x89hd lost
firmware teclast x89hd lost
(30-08-2022, 07:40 PM)pacosalmorra Hi guys my tablet model teclast x89hd is bricked and i need its firmware, i have been looking in official page and others includes xda developers with no results. Help me please.
(01-09-2022, 12:04 PM)maxpayne(30-08-2022, 07:40 PM)pacosalmorra Hi guys my tablet model teclast x89hd is bricked and i need its firmware, i have been looking in official page and others includes xda developers with no results. Help me please.
What is the model number on the back of the tablet
ID: H21C, thanks in advanced bro.
(01-09-2022, 07:39 PM)pacosalmorra What is the model number on the back of the tablet
ID: H21C, thanks in advanced bro.
(08-09-2022, 08:04 PM)pacosalmorra When you switch off the tablet is impossible to switch on it again. In screen charge it remains freezed. I´ve got go into the recovery mode and hard restore default settings, but make the same when turn off.