Phone LG K51S won't turn on after restore full dump
Phone LG K51S won't turn on after restore full dump
(30-08-2022, 12:42 AM)emandreatta I did a second restore with the full backup, but this time without the battery. The phone still doesn't turn on.The backup is it from the same phone or different phone of the same model?
I don't understand how a restore from a working backup doesn't turn on the phone.
Any help I appreciate, please someone.
(28-08-2022, 08:50 PM)emandreatta After a bad flash the phone didn't turn on anymore and was just in brom mode.
I was able to restore a full dump backup made with the MTK Client but the phone still won't turn on.
What am I forgetting to do? Is there any other procedure to do after restoring the full backup?
Any help would appreciate