[Please help] Repair Imei NULL Oppo A31 CPH2015 (MT6765, rooted) without Box?
[Please help] Repair Imei NULL Oppo A31 CPH2015 (MT6765, rooted) without Box?
(11-08-2022, 10:46 AM)thedanh Is there any way to fix IMEI NULL on Oppo A31 (mt6765) without box?Please...
I have baseband, android 9, Color OS 6.1.2, Rooted with Magisk, unlocked bootloader.
I already tried flashing nvram, nvdata partitions on the phone with SP flash tool; tried with adb comand with su, tried SN write tool method, Meta method,chemelephon app, Tool Hero app. it wasn't helpful.
Thankyou very much
(11-08-2022, 10:46 AM)thedanh Is there any way to fix IMEI NULL on Oppo A31 (mt6765) without box?Please...
I have baseband, android 9, Color OS 6.1.2, Rooted with Magisk, unlocked bootloader.
I already tried flashing nvram, nvdata partitions on the phone with SP flash tool; tried with adb comand with su, tried SN write tool method, Meta method,chemelephon app, Tool Hero app. it wasn't helpful.
Thankyou very much
(17-08-2022, 02:02 AM)thedanh Thank you for your replies...
I find NVdata.img and NVram.img from internet. But i think my phone from another model china convert to A31 firmware ..(maybe model A8....i find som information from internet...). How can i write imei for my phone?
(17-08-2022, 02:02 AM)أضنة شكرا لردودكم ...
أجد NVdata.img و NVram.img من الإنترنت. ولكن أعتقد أن هاتفي من طراز صيني آخر يتحول إلى برنامج ثابت A31 .. (ربما طراز A8 .... أجد معلومات سوم من الإنترنت ...). كيف يمكنني كتابة imei لهاتفي؟