Tecno Spark 7P KF7j Stock Rom
Tecno Spark 7P KF7j Stock Rom
(12-11-2021, 03:04 PM)Machine902 Pls Hi, Pls I want Twrp recovery/Stock rom ofyou can backup your rom using wwr @
Tecno Spark 7P
android version: 11
Build Number: KF7j-H696RTAjAK-R-OP-210402V300
The one I saw in this group, last number are different from mine (210402V300)
and I don't know if It will work. I want to root my phone and I need
boot.img of my rom. Thank You.
(13-11-2021, 07:13 AM)LieDown X I created scatter file MT6769refer to https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-39267.html
but when I tried to add it on sp tool it gave me this error : platform mt67 not supported on this version please update to latest flash tool and try again. Meanwhile I'm using the latest version the one on your website sp tool v5.2104 even download Sp tool v5.2104 from different site but same error. Pls I need help. Thank you
(13-11-2021, 07:13 AM)LieDown X I created scatter file MT6769
but when I tried to add it on sp tool it gave me this error : platform mt67 not supported on this version please update to latest flash tool and try again. Meanwhile I'm using the latest version the one on your website sp tool v5.2104 even download Sp tool v5.2104 from different site but same error. Pls I need help. Thank you
(15-11-2021, 06:11 AM)hovatek(13-11-2021, 07:13 AM)LieDown X I created scatter file MT6769
but when I tried to add it on sp tool it gave me this error : platform mt67 not supported on this version please update to latest flash tool and try again. Meanwhile I'm using the latest version the one on your website sp tool v5.2104 even download Sp tool v5.2104 from different site but same error. Pls I need help. Thank you
Choose MT6768 for your scatter file
Try sp flash tool v5.2124
We'll update the thread soon
(15-11-2021, 01:28 PM)Machine902 I tried flash tool with MT6768 it works but after Read Back if failed.
My build number is KF7j-H696RTAjAK-R-OP-210402V300 and I just receive an update from
Tecno which is Tecno spark 7P KF7J-H696RTAJAK-R-OP-210820V452
Pls do you have this stock rom??